


    The Application of the Balanced Scorecard in Enterprise Performance Management Research with the Example DHL

    ABSTRACT:With the development of economy and industry in the increasingly fierce competition, enterprises in the face of increasingly tough challenges, in order to improve their competitiveness in the industry, should improve efficiency, grasp the strategic goals and long-term development direction, take the most effective strategy to cope with the challenges. Then traditional evaluation methods have been unable to meet the needs of enterprise now, simple quantitative analysis of financial data will make enterprises ignore the loss of a lot of intangible assets, and measured results and reality are very different, sometimes even opposite, this is quite unfavorable for the development of the enterprise. This paper analyzes the content of the balanced scorecard, core framework and evaluation process, choose the DHL company as research object, for instance from the reason of using the balanced scorecard, index, the results and advantages are analyzed. Finally pointed out that for the enterprise at the present stage in China take the shortage of the balanced scorecard and the suggestion, as well as to the balanced scorecard in our outlook for the future

    Key Words: the Balanced Scorecard; Performance Management

     目    录

    摘  要


    目    录

    一、绩效管理的含义 1

    (一) 绩效的含义 1

    (二) 绩效管理的含义 1

    (三) 绩效管理的作用 1

    二、平衡计分卡的基本理论概述 3

    (一)平衡计分卡的框架结构 3

    (二)平衡计分卡的平衡关系 4

    三、平衡计分卡与企业绩效管理的关系 7

    (一) 平衡计分卡是一种优秀的绩效考评机制 7

    (二) 平衡计分卡的指标 7

    四、平衡计分卡在企业绩效管理中存在的问题 10

    (一)战略指标难以分解 10

    (二) 指标难于创新 10

    (三)忽略因果关系 10

    五、解决平衡计分卡在企业绩效管理中存在问题的对策建议 11

    (一)明确分解战略指标 11


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