    Kinect-based motor function rehabilitation evaluation system design obstacles
    Abstract:Kinect used in analyzing the current situation of stroke rehabilitation evaluation system, to clarify the contents of the system, the purpose and significance of the effects of stroke rehabilitation evaluation system platforms were introduced, including the use of kinect depth image data to obtain the depth of the image data into three-dimensional spatial coordinates, etc., focusing on the effects of stroke rehabilitation assessment algorithm is designed in a natural state and load state assessment levels, to verify the applicability and feasibility of the initial stroke rehabilitation assessment system, and algorithm development study, the system not only innovative, but also has important social significance, and more with ambitious development prospects.
    KeyWords:Kinect; stroke rehabilitation; depth image; skeletal identification; gait recognition
    1引言    5
    1.1 运动功能障碍疾病简述    5
    1.2 中风类疾病简述    5
    1.3中风康复的发展与现存问题    6
    1.4 Kinect用于中风康复效果评估系统的现状    7
    1.5 中风康复效果评估系统的研究目的和必要性    7
    1.6 中风康复效果评估系统研究内容    8
    1.7 中风康复效果评估系统研究方法    9
    2中风康复效果评估系统的总体方案    9
    2.1 中风康复效果评估系统的设计理念    9
    2.2 中风康复效果评估系统总体方案设计思路    10
    2.2.1 中风康复效果评估系统总体方案思路    10
    2.2.2 中风康复效果评估系统总体方案思路确定    11
    3中风康复效果评估系统平台介绍    12
    3.1 kinect介绍    13
    3.1.1 Kinect SDK for windows构架    15
    3.2 Kinect深度图像及其对象的获取    17
    3.2.1 Kinect深度图像的获取    17
    3.2.2 Kinect深度数据的数据结构    18
    3.2.3 图像处理阀值法    19
    3.2.4 基于Kinect深度双阀值法    23
    3.3 Kinect对于步态特征的提取与表达    24
    3.3.1 基于双腿关节点角度的步态特征提取    24
    3.3.2 基于三文人体轮廓描述子的步态特征提取    25
    4中风康复效果评估系统的设计与实现    28
    4.1 中风康复效果评估系统流程    28
    4.1.1各部分功能说明    28
    4.1.2性能指标    32
    4.2 用户端程序设计    33
    4.2.1 用户界面程序设计    33
    4.2.2数据采集程序设计    35
    4.2.3数据运算设计    37
    4.2.4用户数据    39
    5中风康复效果评估算法    40
    5.1 医学上的中风康复等级    41
    5.2 中风康复效果评估算法思路    41
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