摘要目的:本研究通过对不良事件报告维度的影响因素进行分析,了解并分析影响不良事件 报告维度的影响因素关系大小,包括促进因素和阻碍因素。从而通过减小阻碍因素作用,更 好的得到精确的不良事件报告的频率。88680

方法:对杭州市不同层级杭州医疗机构的医护人员,采用分层随机抽样方法,抽取杭州 市 3 家三级医院、6 家二级医院、15 家社区卫生服务中心。入选条件为工作时间在 3 个月(含) 以上的(休假者除外)医护人员,研究对象均知情同意参与本研究作为样本。采用 SPSS20。0 软件对收集到的数据进行分析和回归分析,最终得出结论并提出建议。

结果:本次调查的 1610 人中,男女比例差异大,绝大多数的研究对象是女性,男性仅 仅占少数。医疗机构的人员普遍偏向于年轻人,医院的年龄层次整体较为均衡。影响不良事 件报告频率的因素主要有医护人员的性别、年龄、婚姻状况、最高学历、岗位、本医院的工 作时间、本科室的工作时间、平均每天的工作量、平均每天拖班时间、每个工作日平均负责 门诊病人个数、每年接受继续教育的次数、接受继续教育的次数中涉及病人安全文化教育的 次数。其中医护人员的岗位、用工形式、平均每天的工作量、每年接受继续教育的次数、每 年接受继续教育的次数中涉及病人安全文化教育的次数能对不良事件报告频率维度得分产 生显著影响

结论:杭州医疗机构的医护人员基本情况中医护人员的单位级别、性别、年龄、婚姻状 况、最高学历、岗位、职称、本医院的工作时间、平均每天的工作量、平均每天拖班时间、 是否带教学生、每年接受继续教育的次数。能对不良事件报告频率维度产生显著影响。


Objective: To analyze and analyze the influencing factors of the factors influencing the dimensions of adverse events, including the factors of promotion and the factors of obstruction。 Thereby increasing the frequency of adverse event reports by reducing the hindering factors。

Methods: Fourteen hospitals, six secondary hospitals and 15 community health service centers in Hangzhou were selected by stratified random sampling method in different levels of Hangzhou medical institutions。 All patients who were enrolled in the working period of 3 months (excluding) were excluded from the study。 The subjects were informed consent to participate in the study as a sample。 SPSS20。0 software was used to analyze and analyze the collected data, and finally draw the conclusion and make suggestions。

Results: The 1610 people in this survey, the proportion of male and female differences, the vast majority of the study object is female, male only a minority。 Medical institutions are generally biased towards young people, the hospital's overall level of age is more balanced。 Factors that affect the frequency of adverse events include medical staff gender, age, marital status, maximum qualifications, post, the hospital's working hours, the working hours of the department, the average daily workload, the average daily shift time, each The average number of outpatient visits, the number of continuing education each year, the number of times of continuing education,  the  number  of  patients  involved  in  safety  and  cultural  education。 The

number of medical staff posts, the form of labor, the average daily workload, the number of continuing education each year, the number of years of continuing education in the number of patients involved in the safety of cultural education can report the frequency of adverse events have a significant impact on the score

Conclusion: Hangzhou medical institutions, the basic situation of medical staff of the medical staff unit level, gender, age, marital status, the highest degree, position, title, the hospital's working hours, the average daily workload, the average daily shift time, whether to teach Students, the number of times each year to receive continuing education。 Can have a significant effect on the frequency dimension of adverse event reporting。
















狮子男超過三天不 ,嫁了...

