摘要目的:了解医学生听力损失的发生现状以及听力损失相关行为的现状,并分析可能的影响 因素,为干预医学生的听力损失相关行为提供依据。 方法:采用随机抽样方法对杭州师范大学医学院1324名本科生进行纯音听阈测试、问卷调 查和数据分析。 结果:调查的1324名医学生中,纯音听阈测试结果显示高频听力正常的有1191人(占90。0%),高频听力下降的有133人(占10。0%),男生高频听力损失患病率50(12。7%)明显高于 女生83(8。9%),不同性别之间高频听力损失具有统计学意义(X2=5。001,P<0。05);耳的相关症状的发生方面,最近一年内,经常(≧2次/周)发生耳鸣、耳痛、耳闷的分别占3。0%、1。0%、0。5%,偶尔(≦1次/周)发生耳鸣、耳痛、耳闷的分别占48。5%、29。5%、29。7%;耳机使用情况方面,在嘈杂的环境下提高耳机音量的概率在50%以上的有808人(占61。1%),有108人(占8。2%)会经常戴着耳机听音乐或广播入睡;在出入娱乐场所频率方面, 每月出入娱乐场所1-3次有22人(占1。7%),4- 6次有62人(占4。7%),>6次有76人(占5。7%);在饮食习惯方面,每天平均摄入水果和蔬菜的量<1斤有1042人(占78。7%),≧1斤有282人(占21。3%),平时饮食口味偏咸、偏辣、偏油、偏甜的分别有254人(占19。2%)、342人(占25。8%)、84人(占6。3%)、138人(占10。4%);睡眠方面,近三个月,12点以后睡觉有467人(占35。3%),近一年内,睡眠时 长在6- 8个小时占大多数,有1093人(占82。6%);在认知方面,不同性别医学生关于定期进行听 力检查的态度情况的差异具有统计学意义(P<0。001),认为有必要定期进行听力检查的男 生和女生分别为199人(占51。4%)、 584人(62。3),没考虑过的男生和女生分别为135人(占34。9%)、300(占32。0%);不同 性别关于是否愿意了解或学习一些与听力保护相关的知识的差异具有统计学意义(P<0。001),很愿意的男生和女生分别为91人(占23。5%)、285人(占30。4%),不愿意的男生和女生分别为20人(占5。2%)、13人(占1。4%);认为在噪声环境下会穿戴听力保护设备的人 只有283人(占21。4%),大多数人在噪声环境下不会穿戴听力设备,有571人(占43。1%) 不知道长期接触多少分贝的噪音会对听力造成损伤,认为噪声导致的听力损失不能治愈的 有296人(占22。4%),有577人(占43。6%)不知道噪声导致的听力损失是否可以治愈。 结论:医学生高频听力已经产生损失,且医学生对听力损失相关行为重视不够,缺乏认知,应加强对医学生的干预,有针对性的加强健康教育等一系列措施,改变医学生的不良行 为,预防听力下降。88910

Abstract Objective:To understand the current situation of hearing loss and the related status of hearing loss, and to analyze the possible influencing factors, and to provide the basis for intervention of medical students’ hearing loss related behaviors。

Methods:A random sampling method was used to perform pure tone auditory threshold test, questionnaire survey and data analysis of 1324 undergraduates in Hangzhou Normal University School Medicine。

Results:Of the 1324 medical students surveyed, the pure tone hearing threshold test showed that there were 1191 people (90。0%) with high frequency hearing, 133 (10。0%) for high frequency hearing loss, 50% (X2 = 5。001, P <0。05)。 The frequency of hearing loss was significantly higher than that of female (83。9%); Ear of the relevant symptoms, the last year, often (≧ 2 times / week) occurred tinnitus, earache, ear nausea were 3。0%, 1。0%, 0。5%, occasionally (≦ 1 / week) occurred tinnitus , Earache, ear boring accounted for 48。5%, respectively, 29。5%, 29。7%; headset use, in noisy environment to improve the headphone volume of more than 50% of the probability of 808 (61。1%), 108 (8。2%) will often wear headphones to listen to music or radio to sleep;There are 22 persons (1。7%), 4 to 6 times, and 62 (4。7%), 6 (6%), 6(6) In the eating habits, the average daily intake of fruits and vegetables, the amount of <1 kg of 1042 people (78。7%), ≧ 1 kg of 282 people (21。3%), usually dietary taste salty, spicy, partial oil, There were 254 (19。2%), 342 (25。8%), 84 (6。3%) and 138 (10。4%) respectively。 Sleep, nearly three months, 467 people (35。3%),In the past year, the duration of sleep was 6 to 8 hours long and 1093 (82。6%)。 In terms of cognition, the differences in the attitudes of patients with different gender medical examinations were statistically significant (P (56。4%), 584 (62。3), and those who had not considered boys and girls were 135 (34。9%), 300 (32。0%);Different gender The difference between the willingness to understand or learn about some of the knowledge associated with hearing protection is statistically significant (P <0。001);(Accounting for 23。5%), 285 (30。4%), and 20 (or 5。2%) of the boys and girls, 13 (1。4%); There are only 283 people (21。4%) who wear hearing protection equipment in a noisy environment。 Most people do not wear hearing equipment in a noisy environment。

















