    摘要:铅是一种有毒金属元素,铅及其化合物会对机体多个系统产生危害,比如神经、心血管、消化、肾脏等系统。目前常见的铅中毒基本为轻度慢性铅中毒,它可以影响体内金属离子以及酶系统,造成植物的神经功能紊乱、免疫力低下、引起贫血等。 原花青素具有强抗氧化性,能够抵抗肿瘤、保护心血管等。原花青素所提供的氢能够消灭多种活性氧自由基,并清除由于发生过氧化作用而使结构和功能受到损伤的羟自由基,从而保护生物器官。本论文研究原花青素和铅对小鼠肝脏一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性的影响。实验小鼠分成五组:对照组;铅组;铅+原花青素组(100 mg);铅+原花青素组(200 mg);原花青素组。铅暴露是给于小鼠饮用250mg/kg的醋酸铅饮用水,实验进行了3个月。观察NOS的活性的变化,测定NOS的活性,研究原花青素对铅造成小鼠肝脏NOS活力的影响。结果显示:铅对小鼠肝脏影响严重,导致NOS活性偏高,诱导性NOS(iNOS)升高明显,内皮NOS(eNOS)下降,而原花青素对铅的这种作用有有效的抑制作用,有效文持NOS活性处于正常水平。 40239
    Effects of Proanthocyanidins on lead-induced NOS activities in mouse livers
    Abstract: Lead (Pb) is a kind of metal elements with poisonous, once entering into organism, they will do damage to nerve, cardiovascular, digestion, kidney and endocrine system. The most common Pb now is chronic mild poisoning, mainly affecting the metal ion and enzyme system, which can finally induce vegetative nerve functional disturbance, hypoimmunity and anemia. Proanthocyanidins is a strong antioxidant characteristic of much biological activity. It can not only provide much hydrogen ion dispensible in eliminating many kinds of reactive oxide species, but can get rid of hydroxyl radicals which injure biological organizational membrane in oxidation reaction, thus protecting biological tissues. The paper study the proanthocyanidins protective effects on the activity of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the mouse’s livers. Experimental mice were pided into five groups: the control group; the Pb treatment group (250 mg/kg); the Pb+proanthocyanidins group (100 mg); the Pb+proanthocyanidins group (200 mg); the proanthocyanidins group (200 mg/kg). Pb exposure group use 250 mg/kg lead acetate as only drinking water. After 3 months, the activity of NOS is observed and determined to study proanthocyanidins effects on the activity of NOS in the mouse’s livers. The results show that Pb exposure induced liver damages in the mice, increasing the activity of iNOS, decreasing the activity of eNOS. Proanthocyanidins is able to inhibit the Pb injury effect and maintain the activity of NOS at a commal level.
    Keywords: Mice; Liver; Lead; Proanthocyanidins; NOS; iNOS; eNOS
    引言:    1
    1.材料与方法    2
    1.1供试材料    2
    1.1.1实验动物    2
    1.1.2实验试剂    2
    1.1.3实验设备    3
    1.2 实验预处理    3
    1.2.1 样本预处理    3
    1.2.2 样本采集    3
    1.3 活力的测定    3
    1.3.1 一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)的测定    3
    2 结果与分析    4
    2.1死亡率    4
    2.2 脏体比    5
    2.3 一氧化氮合酶(TNOS)、诱导型氧化氮合酶(iNOS)和内皮型氧化氮合酶(eNOS)活力的测定    5
    2.3.1 原花青素对铅诱导的TNOS活力的影响    5
    2.3.2原花青素对铅诱导的诱导型氧化氮合酶(iNOS)活性的影响    6
    2.3.3原花青素对铅诱导的内皮型氧化氮合酶(eNOS)活性的影响    7
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