Results: in the model group mice serum and liver index compared with the blank control group mice had significant difference (P < 0。05), Phellinus linteus group and Hugan tablets on serum index and liver index compared with the model group, the improved。 Pathological tissue section showed that the model group showed high edema, degeneration, inflammatory cells, necrosis, regenerative nodules and fibrous tissue hyperplasia。 Phellinus group and mice liver cells huganpian did not appear mild edema and degeneration, fatty degeneration, slight inflammation。 Model group mice body weight compared with the blank control group growth slow or even reverse the growth, Phellinus igniarius group and Hugan tablet treatment group before a slow increase of body weight, after treatment of weight growth gradually to normal。 Compared with the blank control group, the liver morphology of the model group was significantly different, which showed the shape deformation, rough and。 Phellinus group and Hugan tablet group liver morphology compared with blank control group, no significant difference。 The study proved that bionic Mulberry Yellow Water Extract on carbon tetrachloride induced liver fibrosis in mice with improved function, for the future development of using bionic Phellinus igniarius instead of wild Phellinus as new drugs for the treatment of liver diseases provides a solid theoretical foundation。
Keywords: water extract of bionics phellinus cirrhosis alanine aminotransferase aspartate aminotransferase
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 桑黄简介 1
1。2 桑黄种类 2
1。3 桑黄中主要的化学成分 3
1。3。1 多糖成分 3
1。3。2 甾体和萜类成分 3
1。3。3 黄酮类成分 3
1。4 桑黄的药理学功能 4
1。4。1 抗肿瘤作用 4
1。4。2 降血糖作用 4
1。4。3 抗炎作用 4
1。4。4 抗肝纤维化作用 4
1。5 构建肝纤维化小鼠模型 5
1。5。1 四氯化碳(CCL4)动物建模原理 5
1。5。2 四氯化碳建模肝损伤动物的方法 5
1。5。3 理想的肝纤维化动物模型应该具备的条件 5
1。6 肝脏病理指标的选择 5
1。6。1 肝脏指数 6
1。6。2 血清指标 6
1。6。3 小鼠的体重 6
1。6。4 肝脏的形态学特征 7
1。6。5 肝脏的病理切片 7
1。7 本课题研究的主要内容及意义 7
1。8 本课题的主要技术路线 8
第二章 实验材料和方法 9
2。1 实验材料 9
2。1。1 主要材料 9
2。1。2 主要药品和试剂 9
2。1。3 主要仪器 9
2。1。4 主要溶液的配制 10
2。2 实验方法