    关键字: 无刷直流电动机;MC33035;位置传感器 3800
    Design of Low-Power Brushless DC Motor Speed Control System
    Abstract: Brushless DC motor in a brush DC motor developed on the basis of. At this stage, although exchanges of all kinds of DC motors and motor drive in the application of the dominant, but brushless DC motor is under common concern.
    Based on the development and application of brushless DC motor speed control system, this essay introduces the DC motor speed control system which based on MC33035 & MC33039. The fundamental structure and working principle of brushless DC motor are mainly analyzed. Furthermore, the design of components and the working principle of control system are introduced in detail.
    The load is put on the brushless DC motor speed control system in the debugging stage, which proves that the control system based on MC33035 & MC33039 is succeed in realizing no steady-stage error.

    Keyword: Brushless DC Motor; MC33035; Position sensor.
    摘要    Ⅰ
    Abstract    Ⅰ
    1绪论    1
      1.1无刷直流电动机的发展    1
      1.2无刷直流电机的应用    2
      1.3无刷直流电动机的研究动向    3
      1.4 课题研究任务    4
    2 无刷直流电机结构和工作原理    5
      2.1 无刷直流电机结构    5
      2.2 无刷直流电动机的工作原理    7
        2.2.1  无刷直流电动机转矩分析    7
        2.2.2.无刷直流电动机与输出开关管换流信号    8
    3 系统控制方案论证    10
      3.1 控制方案    10
        3.1.1 采用集成电路    10
        3.1.2 采用DSP    10
        3.1.3 采用可编程阵列    11
        3.1.4 方案选择    12
      3.2 驱动方案    12
        3.2.1驱动方案选择    12
        3.2.2 驱动功率管选择    13
    4 硬件电路设计    14
      4.1 基于MC33035的控制电路设计    14
        4.1.1 MC33035介绍    14
        4.1.2  MC33035各管脚功能介绍    14
        4.1.3  MC33039芯片介绍    16
        4.1.4 电动机控制回路外围元器件选择    17
      4.2驱动电路设计    19
        4.2.1 功率开关电路设计    19
        4.2.2 IR2103 芯片功能介绍    20
        4.2.3 电机驱动外围电路元器件选择    21
      4.3 模拟负载硬件设计    22
        4.3.1电机机架设计    22
  1. 上一篇:MATLAB窄轨矿用牵引电机车控制系统的仿真研究
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