    Intelligent CNC pipeline transmission and Monitoring System
    Abstract:Intelligent CNC pipeline transmission and monitoring system in order to achieve highly automated CNC machining, this system will not only improve the efficiency of CNC machining while reducing the output of artificial labor, and reasonably  improved work safety.
      The difficulty lies in how the experiment CNC and robotics combine these two parts, perfectly to the processing and transmission. Before the experiment by learning how to use my robot language (RAPID), as well as detailed PLC and CNC programming technology works. In the experiment, the robot operation by constantly pointing to realize the robot arm to take place. At the same time with the PLC to be monitored through continuous debugging and ultimately the robot transmission and monitoring systems.
      The purpose of this experiment was to automate the transmission and processing of intelligent combination of CNC and achieve real-time monitoring to improve safety performance.
      The significance of this experiment is to intelligently automate the transmission and CNC machining work pieces together, not only can accurately complete the transfer and processing, but also saves the increasing scarcity of labor and improve work safety.
    Keywords:CNC;Computer;Robotics;ABB language
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 引言    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.2.1国内    2
    1.2.2国外    2
    1.3 关键词说明    3
    1.3.1 CNC    3
    1.3.2机器人技术    3
    1.3.3 RAPID    4
    1.3.4 PLC    4
    2 智能化CNC管道传输与监控系统设计方案    4
    2.1.1 PTC安全须知    4
    2.1.2 了解实验使用的器件    6
    2.2.1实验机器定义    8
    2.2.2 定义机器人总程序    8
    2.2.3定义机器人主程序    8
    2.3.1 PLC监控的预设    9
    2.3.2 PLC编程软件的选择    10
    2.3.2 利用CoDeSys v2.3 编程    11
    3.实现目标    16
    致谢    17
    参考文献    18
    附录    20
    1.1    引言
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