    关键词: 数字磁罗盘 MEMS陀螺仪 卡尔曼滤波 误差补偿
    Title: A research on the correction of a combined heading      
            system consisting of MEMS gyro/magnetic compass    
    Magnetic compass has been applied widely in the fields of cars, aircrafts and personal heading system and so on because of its characteristics of small size, light weight, low power and low cost. Meanwhile its accuracy of measurement will decrease when the outer magnetic field or ferromagnetic objects approaching because magnetic compass will be affected by changes of the magnetic field in the external environment. Therefore the combination of the MEMS gyroscope and magnetic compass can suppress the external environment's interference to magnetic compass, correct the compass measurement information and also improve the heading accuracy of the combination. This paper is about to research on how to compensate for the deviation of the MEMS gyroscope with magnetic compass and then measure orientation with MEMS gyroscope in the condition with magnetic field interference which is also called gyroscope auxiliary heading measurement system.
    Firstly, the basic knowledge of digital magnetic compass and MEMS gyroscopes is present in this paper. On this basis, the overall program together with the design of Kalman filter model and Kalman filter algorithm is also given in the paper. After that Design methods of each simulation module are introduced. Specific simulation parameters are given and the simulation results are analyzed comprehensively. The simulation results shows that gyroscope auxiliary heading measurement system based on Kalman filter algorithm is effectively and feasibly.
    Keywords:digital compass, MEMS gyroscope, Kalman filter, error compensation
     目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景和意义    1
    1.2  论文内容和章节安排    3
    2  数字磁罗盘的工作原理和组成    4
    2.1  数字磁罗盘的工作原理    4
    2.2  数字磁罗盘的一般结构    6
    2.3  数字磁罗盘的误差分析    7
    2.3.1  系统误差的分类    7
    2.3.2  零位误差    9
    2.3.3  灵敏度误差    10
    2.3.4  正交误差    11
    2.3.5  安装误差    12
    2.3.6  罗差    13
    2.4  系统误差的数学模型    14
    2.4.1  第一种形式    14
    2.4.2  罗差方程形式    17
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