毕业论文关键词:家庭暴力, 民事禁止令, 制度构建
Abstract: Domestic violence is one of the most important elements influencing the family and the society harmony. At present, the anti-domestic violence legislation in China is confined to the theoretical level, and lacking of the operability. Moreover, a systematic jurisprudence has not been established. What’s worse, the development of the society and the sharp increase of the complexity of many domestic violence cases also highlight the limitation of the current law. In order to meet the practical need of litigation and protect the legal interest of clients, on one hand, we draw experience from the civil litigation system in judicial practices of intellectual property and maritime litigation. Besides, we also refer to the new-established law of JiangSu Province-Implementation of Domestic Violence Warning System. It is imperative to establish the injunction system in the civil trial field and make the domestic violence adapt to the new system in a way. These, without doubt, will effectively relieve and suppress domestic violences.
Keywords:Domestic violence ; civil injunction, system construction
目 录
1. 引言4
2. 提出问题4
3. 家暴案件中适用民事禁止令的必要性5
3.1 有助于现行法律体系化6
3.2 便于及时保护当事人合法权益6
3.3 有助于维护家庭和睦7
4. 民事禁止令适用于家庭暴力案件中的具体设想7
4.1 禁止令的启动7
4.2 禁止令的担保7
4.3 禁止令的审理方式8
4.4 对于禁止令的救济9
4.5 禁止令的强制执行9
4.6 违反禁止令的法律后果9
结论 11参考文献 12
致谢 13
1 引言