    摘要:近几年随着移动通讯技术和智能手机、平板电脑的普及和快速发展,移动互联网时代已经悄然到来,而手机正引领着未来互联网发展的一大潮流,代替原先的台机、笔记本,成为移动互联网的大头。Location Based Service(LBS),基于地理位置服务,能通过GPS等方式来获取到终端用户的地理位置信息,并向用户提供定位服务、导航路线、社交娱乐、本地搜索等衍生服务。随着各种社交网和团购网的发展,现在LBS成为了可供企业选择的又一种新式营销手段。本课题研究的目的就在于:在相关理论知识的指导下,分析研究LBS定位营销,同时分析其存在的不足并提供相应对策,最后展望LBS未来营销发展趋势。20745
    毕业论文关键词:  LBS;定位营销;商业价值
    Analysis of LBS positioning marketing
    Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid growth of the mobile communication technology and the popularity of smartphones, the mobile Internet era has already come. The mobile phones are leading a major trend of the future development of the Internet, instead of the original desktop PC, laptop, mobile phones become more and more important in the mobile Internet. Location Based Service (LBS), location-based services, it can get location information of the end users through GPS or other ways, and it can provide location-based services to users such as navigation routes, social entertainment, local search and other derivative services. With the development of a variety of social networks and buy sites, now LBS has become a new type of marketing tools which is available for enterprises to choose. The purpose of this study is: Under the guidance of the relevant theory, not only analyzing and discussing the LBS positioning marketing, but also hoping that through this research, which can be found some deficiencies and providing some countermeasures to find LBS future marketing trends.
    Keywords: LBS; Positioning Marketing; Business Value
    目  录
    引言    1
     一、绪论    2
      (一) 研究的背景和意义     2
    1.课题的研究背景    2
    2.课题的研究意义    2
    (二) 研究的现状和发展趋势    2
    1.课题的研究现状    2
    2.课题的研究发展趋势    3
     二、LBS定位营销概况    4
    (一) LBS简介    4
    1.LBS的概念    4
    2.LBS的产生和发展过程    4
    (二) LBS产业现状    5
    1.国外LBS的市场现状    5
    2.国内LBS的市场现状    5
    (三) LBS定位营销模式及商业价值    6
    1.营销模式介绍    6
    (1)LBS+休闲娱乐类的签到模式    6
    (2)LBS+生活服务类的查询模式    7
    (3)LBS+电子商务资讯类的体验模式    8
    (4)LBS+社交游戏类的交友模式    9
    2.LBS定位营销的商业价值    9
    (1)挖掘消费需求    9
    (2)引发口碑传播    9
    (3)提升消费者忠诚度    10
    三、LBS定位营销现存问题与对策    11
    (一) LBS定位营销之现存问题    11
    1.地理定位精确度不够    11
    2.个人隐私和信息安全存在隐患    11
    3.产品同质化严重与用户体验互动问题    12
    4.规范标准不统一    13
    (二) LBS定位营销之对策研究    13
    1.提高地理定位精确度    13
    2.保护用户个人隐私和信息安全    13
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