Abstract: In the context of global tourism, B&B tourism has been more and more popular among urban residents。 Chongming Island is a new field for future development in Shanghai and there is great potential for development of its B&B。Firstly, through on-the-spot investigation of Chongming Island, found the B&B services there is a lack of local characteristics, single product, low level of service and brand awareness of small problems。Secondly, through the comparison of B&B services between Chongming Island and the village in Japan, Moganshanin in Zhejiang, Lijiang and Dali in Yunnan, the reasons for the problems are found。 Finally, on the basis of consulting a large number of related literature and combining with the actual situation of Chongming Island, the author concludes that the development of B&B services on Chongming Island should follow market demand-oriented principle, regional development principle, tourists experience principle and sustainable development principle, and uses these principles to propose five reasonable and feasible measures to promote the development of B&B services on Chongming Island。
Keywords: B&B services, global tourism, Chongming Island
目 录
1 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景 1
1。2 研究意义 1
1。3 研究方法 1
2 崇明岛民宿产品开发现状分析 1
2。1 崇明岛民宿产品开发存在的问题 1
3。2 崇明岛民宿产品开发存在问题的原因 1
3 崇明岛民宿产品开发的策略 1
3。1 崇明岛民宿产品开发的原则 1
3。2 崇明岛民宿产品开发的具体策略 1
结论 1
参考文献 1
致谢 1
1 绪论
1。1 研究背景源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766