Abstract: Nanjing is a famous ancient capital of the Six Dynasties。 As a famous historical and cultural city, the Republic of China culture is one of the representative tourism cultural resources。 At present, as a new way of tourism, research and development of tourism is developing rapidly in our country, and the rich cultural resources of the Republic of China in Nanjing laid the foundation for the study of the Republic of China in Nanjing。 However, the research of Nanjing travel there are still some problems, such as lack of relevant departments of the university research design of tourism products, travel study tours boring content, interest is not high, the experience is not strong, the research universities scarce propaganda way study travel etc。。 In view of this, the feasibility of the Republic of Nanjing to study the feasibility of the study tour can be analyzed from the three aspects of product, market and culture, to make up for the defects of its existence, so as to promote the development of Nanjing's Republic of china。
Key words: Institutions of higher learning in Republic of China; Nanjing; study tour; PMC
1 绪论 3
1。1 选题的定义 4
1。2 中外研学旅行发展概况 4
2 基础研究综述 5
3 PMC分析 6
3。1 PMC旅游文化营销方法简介 6
3。2 制约南京民国学府研学旅行的影响因素分析 6
4 南京民国学府研学旅行的可行性建议 10
4。1 民国学府研学旅行作为旅游产品推广的建议 10
4。2 南京民国学府研学旅行在旅游市场上的相关建议 11
4。3 南京民国学府研学旅行在文化内容开展方面建议 12
结束语 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
附录 17
1 绪论源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766
1。1 选题的定义
旅游界学者通常广义地将研学旅行定义为以研究性、探究性学习为目的的专项旅行,是旅行者出于文化求知的需要,暂时离开常住地,到异地开展的文化性质的旅游活动, 主体可以是任何出于此目的的人,17~19世纪风靡欧洲的“大旅游”也属此列。[1]