    摘  要:随着智能手机用户的普及,移动电子商务正在迅速崛起,电子商务模式更加宽泛。O2O模式就是新兴的电子商务模式,即线上线下模式,它不仅可以弥补纯线上消费的不足,也为线下消费带来更大商机。但是O2O模式在移动互联网的发展处于初期阶段,发展还不完善,面对O2O模式在移动电子商务过程中的激烈竞争,如何积极发挥O2O模式和移动电子商务的优势成为我们必须讨论的议题。在研究美团网的基础上,主要通过对O2O模式和移动电子商务进行简要概述,分析团购网站在移动互联网的发展状况,并以美团网为例分析O2O的运营模式,以及美团网在发展过程中遇到的问题和提出的相应解决对策,从而得出O2O模式的发展前景是光明的,商家和O2O平台要合作共赢,努力使O2O在移动电子商务发展中越来越完善。29219
     Research on Mobile E-commerce based on O2O Model —With a case of The United States Mission
    Abstract: With the popularity of smart phone users , mobile e-commerce is rising rapidly, the model of which is becoming broader. O2O is a new model of e-business, the meaning of online and offline,which not only makes up the shortage of simple online consumption, but also brings more commercial opportunities to offline consumption. But  the O2O model is in its early stage during the development of the mobile Internet, which is still not perfect. It is becoming more and more necessary to take an active advantage of O2O mode, faced with the fierce competition in the development of mobile e-commerce. The research on the United States Mission, it gives a brief introduction to the O2O model and mobile e-commerce, analyzing the development situation of group purchase websites. Taking the United States Mission for example, it analyses the operation mode and the problems encountered in the development process and count measures of this,which can lead to the conclusion that the O2O mode has a bright prospect. Merchants and O2O platform are supposed to set up the win-win cooperation, so as to make the O2O mode more and more perfect in the development of mobile electronic commerce.
    Key Words: O2O model Mobile; Electronic commerce; The United States Mission
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、O2O模式及移动电子商务理论概述    2
    (一)O2O简介    2
    (二)O2O应用场景    3
    (三)移动电子商务简介    3
    (四)移动电子商务的特点    4
    二、典型的O2O应用—美团网    4
    (一)团购网站在移动互联网的发展状况    5
    (二)美团网介绍    6
    (三)美团网的O2O模式    6
    三、美团网O2O模式在发展过程中出现的问题    9
    (一)消费者的信任危机    9
    (二)美团网商家同类产品竞争严重    9
    (三)美团网的交易安全危机    9
    四、美团网O2O发展问题的解决对策    10
    (一)不断完善售后服务保障机制    10
    (二)提高团购产品和服务的质量    10
    (三)增强交易的安全性    10
    五、美团网O2O模式对移动电子商务发展的启示    11
    (一)坚持“用户第一”的原则    11
    (二)注重品牌效益    11
    (三)完善人才储备和员工培训    11
    参考文献    13
    致谢    14
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