


    毕业论文关键词:街头露宿者; 社会工作介入; 社会排斥理论

    The problem of street sleepers is worldwide. The city becoming bigger, the cost of living is more higher which leads to more general problem of street sleepers. On August.1st, 2003, our country promulgated <Measures for urban vagrants and beggars>. The vagrants and beggars are broadly understood as “due to their own inability to solve the accommodation, no relatives to depend on, nor to enjoy the urban minimum living guarantee or five rural guarantees, people who begging for a living.” At the same time, this is a sign of relief management changing which changed “mandatory shelter” into “voluntary assistance”. Achieving a huge progress in the protection of human rights and poverty relief. However, Street sleepers’ problem is more complicated than imagined. There is no denying that they need more detailed and personalized attention. To solve their problems, more patience and more resources should be put in.

    This article mainly talks about the street sleeper groups in Suzhou Pingjiang area, who are not begging for a living. The author try to understand their survival status, the reasons and problems of sleeping at the streets, exploring their willingness to return to the living rural community. Then interviewing those street sleepers who having the willingness, due to various reasons limit who cannot return to the outflow street sleepers. At the same time, figuring out the reasons in different aspects, trying to put forward countermeasures social work intervention for these street-sleepers who have reflux problems. 

    Keyword: Street sleepers; Social work intervention; The theory of social exclusion


    1 引言 3

    1.1选题的背景与选题意义 3

    1.2研究思路 4

    1.3研究方法 4

    2街头露宿者生存现状分析 5

    2.1街头露宿者的日常生活 6

    2.2街头露宿的原因 7

    2.3街头露宿面临的问题 7

    3 社会排斥理论视角下影响街头露宿者回归流出地的因素 9

    3.1街头露宿者所处环境中的影响因素 9

    3.2街头露宿者自身的影响因素 10

    4 社会工作对街头露宿者流出地回归安置的介入 11


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