    设计项目:年产350吨草莓酯车间设计本设计的内容是对年产350吨的草莓酯的生产车间进行设计。草莓酯是一种具有新鲜草莓香气的新型合成香料, 它是缩羰基类香料的一种。它被广泛地应用于洗涤剂,香波,汽水,冰棒,雪糕等的加香以及香水等日用香精的调制。6085
    草莓酯的合成工艺为由乙酰乙酸乙酯与1,2一丙二醇经脱水缩合反应而得,反应过程中脱去生成的水。工业上普遍采用浓硫酸、磷酸、苯磺酸等催化剂。在本设计中选用的催化剂是DU SY 负载的杂多酸。反应过程中生成的水经油水分离器及时除去,以利于产率的提高。反应结束后产品经过碱洗水洗,然后减压蒸馏得到比较纯净的草莓酯。然后,对整个反应进行了物料恒算,热量恒算,设备选型,技术经济指标分析和环境保护及安全措施.最后绘制了生产工艺流程图,物料流程图,车间平面布置图,车间立面布置图。
    1.    任务的来源
    2.    设计标准
    a. 生产过程危险品和有害因素分类与代码(GB/T13816-1992)
    b .常用危险化学的分类标准(GB13690-1992)
    c. 压力容器中化学介质典型危害和爆炸危险程度分类(HGJ43-1991)
    d. 工厂防火规定(GBJ16-1987)
    e. 污水综合排放规定(GBJ8978)
    f. 钢制压力容器(GB150)
    g .管壳式换热器标准(GB151)
    h. 工艺系统设备布置设计规定(HG20570)
    i. 化工装置管道布置设计规定(HG/T20549)
    (4) 便于安装:工厂布置应满足施工和安装作业要求。特别是应考虑大型设备的吊装,厂内道路的路面结构和载荷标准等应满足施工安装的要求。
    An annual output of 350 tons of Fructone B production
    Design Manual:
    Design project: An annual output of 350 tons of Fructone B production
    The content of this design is to draft an annual output of 350 tons of fructone B production workshop .Fructone B is a new type of synthetic spices with fresh strawberry flavor, it is one of the reduce carbonyl perfumers. Now it is widely applied in many aspects, detergent, shampoo, soft drinks, popsicles, ice cream flavors and other daily flavors.
    Fructone B is compounded of ethyl aceto acetate ground with 1,2-Propanediol dehydration derived from the condensation reaction, Reaction process of formation water shed. Industry generally used sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, p-catalysts as catalyst .In this design we choose as catalyst USY supported heteropoly acid as catalyst. The production of water is removed by oil-water separator in a timely manner to facilitate the improvement of the yield. After the end of reaction products caustic washing after washing and then vacuum distillation to obtain more pure fructone B. The following process is materials counting, heat counting, device lectotype, economic indicator, environmental protection technique analysis and safety measure.At last , the flow of production technics is protract including main equipments diagram , materials diagram ,a flat disposal picture of  the workshop, the solid disposal picture of the workshop.
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