Abstract:Kindergarten regional environment that is a hidden curriculum plays the role of a highly permeable and regional environment of material, peers and teachers phase coupling and produce different interactions with them。 Children with regional environment this interactive development of three parties, social interaction, language expression and body movement ability, but due to the limitation of environmental materials, the lack of early childhood experiences, and several aspects of teachers' participation, let the children interact with regional environment not effectively。 In this paper, through the observation of children with the material, companions and teachers, to record and find the problems that exist in the interaction, and according to the problems combining with actual situation put forward the corresponding solution, to help the development of young children more comprehensive。
Keywords:regional environment ,honest child,interaction,observational study
1前言 3
1。1研究目的 3
1。2研究方法 3
1。3概念界定 3
2区域环境中幼儿互动行为的现状分析 4
2。1区域环境中幼儿互动行为的总体状况 4
2。2区域环境中幼儿互动行为存在的问题及分析 5
3区域环境中幼儿互动行为的教育建议 9
3。1幼儿与材料互动的教育建议 9
3。2幼儿与同伴互动的教育建议 10
3。3幼儿与教师互动的教育建议 11
结论 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15
附录1:区域环境中中班幼儿互动行为观察表 16
附录2:区域环境中中班幼儿与不同性别同伴互动次数观察表 17
附录3:幼儿访谈提纲 18
附录4:教师访谈提纲 19
1。1研究目的源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766