摘要:本文基于部分南京市民问卷调查所获数据,采用描述性统计和Logistic模型实证分析,得出如下研究结论:(1)消费者特征(性别、年龄、文化程度、收入水平、家庭人口数及结构等)对有机农产品需求有影响。(2)消费者认知及对有机农产品的态度是影响和制约消费者有机农产品需求的重要因素。(3)有机农产品本身的属性和特征(品质、价格等)对消费者有机农产品需求有影响。(4)企业和政府的相关因素(购买的便利性、宣传推广力度以及其他营销策略等)均对消费者有机农产品需求有重要影响。据此,本文提出了有针对性的对策建议,以希促进我国有机农产品市场的健康发展。28386 毕业论文关键词:有机农产品;消费需求;影响因素
Study on the Factors Affecting the Consumer Demand of Organic Agricultural Products
——Based on the Questionnaire Survey of Nanjing Citizens
Abstract:In this paper, based on the data obtained from the questionnaire survey of Nanjing citizens, using descriptive statistics and Logistic model empirical analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) Consumer characteristics (gender, age, degree of education, income, family population and structure) have an impact on the demand for organic agricultural products. (2) Consumer perception and their attitudes towards organic agricultural products are important factors that affect and restrict the demand for organic agricultural products. (3) The attributes and characteristics of organic produce (quality, price, etc.) affect consumer demand. (4) Factors related to the enterprise and the government (the convenience of purchasing organic agricultural products, promotion and other marketing strategies, etc.) have important influence on the demand of organic agricultural products. Accordingly, this study puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, in order to promote the benign development of the market for organic agricultural products in our country.
Key words:Organic agricultural products ; Consumption demand ; Influencing factors
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
一、问题的提出 2
(一)研究背景、研究目的 2
(二)研究内容、研究意义 2
(三)研究方法与技术路线 3
(四)可能的创新与不足 3
二、理论基础与文献综述 3
(一)基本概念 3
(二)理论基础 4
(三)文献综述 5
三、数据来源与样本特征 6
(一)数据来源 6
(二)样本特征 7
四、描述性统计分析 8
(一)影响消费者日常饮食的因素分析 8
(二)消费者对有机农产品的认知情况 9
(三)消费者有机农产品购买意愿及原因 10
(四)消费者对有机农产品的购买行为及评价 12
(五)消费者对有机农产品的购买意愿与相关因素的交叉分析 17
五、实证分析 20
(一)研究假说 20
(二)模型构建与变量选取 20
(三)信度与效度分析 21
(四)(Logistic模型)多元回归分析 21
(五)模型检验 24
(优尔)小结 24
优尔、基本结论与对策建议 25
(一)基本结论 25
(二)对策建议 25