摘要: 我国企业国际化具有起步晚、发展快的特点。改革开放以后的三十年,我国大力出口劳动密集型产品,使“中国制造”扬名海外。然而更严峻的问题摆在了中国政府面前,如何让“中国制造”跃升为“中国创造”?进入21世纪后,随着我国高铁技术的日趋成熟以及“一带一路”战略的提出,我国的高铁行业开始走出国门,“中国创造”开始显现。本文的目的在于探索我国企业的国际化发展路径选择,以高铁行业为例具体阐述高铁“走出去”的战略措施,通过大量数据阐明我国高铁行业的现状及存在的问题,分析高铁走出国门后为我国所带来的影响,并且最终提出对策和建议,为我国高铁行业提供一些有用的信息。48205
毕业论文关键词:企业国际化 高铁 发展 探索
Exploration Of The Growth Path Of Chinese High-Speed Railway Industry’s Internationalization
Abstract: The internationalization of Chinese enterprises has the characteristics of the late start, but fast development. Thirty years after the reform and open policy, our country makes the "Made in China" become famous in the world by exporting labor-intensive products. But a much more serious problem facing the Chinese government, how to make the "Made in China" into "Created in China"? After entering the 21st century, with the maturing of China's high-speed rail technology as well as the Belt and Road strategy put forward, high-speed railway industry in China started to go abroad. "Created in China" began to emerge. The purpose of this paper is to explore the growth path of Chinese enterprises’ internationalization. Take high-speed railway industry as an example to elaborate on "going out" strategy. Moreover, the author try to clarify the current situation and existing problems of high-speed railway industry in China through a large amount of data and analyze the effects of “going out” strategy. Finally the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions in order to provide some useful information for China's high-speed railway industry.
Key Words:Internationalization; High-speed Railway; Development; Exploration
目 录
绪 论 1
一、文献综述 2
(一)企业国际化相关概念 2
1、涵义和内容 2
2、主要形式 2
3、重要因素 2
(二)观点论述 3
二、中国高铁行业发展历程及存在的问题 5
(一)发展历程 5
(二)存在的问题 5
1、线路分布不均 5
2、票价较高,上座率不高 6
3、事故频发 7
4、环境污染 7
三、中国高铁企业国际化发展分析 9
(一)国际化发展路径选择 9
(二)成因分析 10
1、“一带一路”政策扶持 10
2、我国高铁核心技术的崛起 11
3、全球掀起“高铁热” 12