5。3 Classroom interaction is influenced by students’ personal factors 54

6 Implications 56

6。1 Complete the quality of teacher talk and elicit student talk 56

6。2 Ask more referential questions and involve students in negotiation 56

6。3 Maximize chances for students to participate in classroom activities 57

6。4 Take students’ personal factors into consideration 57

References 59

Appendix 1 63

Transcript Excerpt 1 65

Transcript Excerpt 2 70

Transcript Excerpt 3 74

Transcript Excerpt 4 76

Transcript Excerpt 5 77

Transcript Excerpt 6 82

1 Background Introduction来自优Q尔W论E文R网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201.8766

In the 21st century, English is a necessary tool for the development of international economy and cross-cultural communication。 Thus, college English teaching has a direct connection with the cultivation of talents, which draws more and more attention。 Since 1986 College English has become a compulsory lesson for college students in every major。 Various English teaching theories have been widely used in College English teaching。 There is no doubt that English teaching in china has made great progress。 But there exist some significant problems。 For instance, from Elementary English learning to College English learning, students still are unable to have an effective communication with the natives both in oral and in written。 

To promote College English teaching reform and improve the teaching quality, "College English Course Teaching Requirement" revealed by Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China in 2007 has clearly defined the standards of skills。 The primary objectives of the contemporary College English teaching reform is to vitalize the traditional teacher-dominated didactic practice with a new mode featured with learner-centeredness which puts more emphasis on developing students’ autonomous learning ability and improving their language communicative competence (Zhu 2007)。 The teaching objectives of College English are intended to cultivate students’ integrated English language competence, especially listening and speaking ability, which enables them to use English proficiently in social interaction, so as to satisfy the demands of social development and international communication。

With the guidance of "College English Course Teaching Requirement", teachers of College English should give students more opportunities to practice listening and speaking in class。 But English as a foreign language in China can scarcely be used in natural context。 For most students, College English classroom might be the only chance to produce English and teacher’s talk might be the main source of English input。 In the classroom, teacher and students collaborate to accomplish certain teaching objectives through interaction。 Students can increase knowledge store as digesting teacher’s input or even the output of fellow students and meanwhile use all possess of the knowledge they have learned or casually absorb to produce an output (Wilga Rivers 1987)。 Thus, attaching the great importance to spoken language is conducive to improving the quality of College English teaching since the application of College English classroom discourse analysis can not only provide teacher with objective investigation of the situation of teacher’s talk and students’ talk but also illustrate what kind of teacher’s talk is beneficial to teacher’s teaching and learners’ language acquisition indeed。 











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