1。1 Background of the Research 5

1。2 Importance of Writing Teaching 5

1。3 Current Situation of Junior High School English Writing 6

1。4 Significance of the Research 6

Chapter 2 Literature Review 7

2。1 Language Transfer 7

2。1。1 Definition of Language 源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 Transfer 7

2。1。2 Performance of Language Transfer 8

2。2 Theories Related to Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue 8

2。2。1 Contrastive Analysis Theory 9

2。2。2 Error Analysis Theory 10

2。2。3 Interlanguage Theory 11

2。3 Language Transfer in Second Language Writing 11

Chapter 3 Research Design 13

3。1 Research Questions 13

3。2 Research Objectives 13

3。3 Research Participants 13

3。4 Research Methods 14

3。4。1 Literature Review Method 15

3。4。2 Students’ Composition Analysis 15

3。4。3 Interview 15

Chapter 4 Results and Analysis 15

4。1 Writing Error Analysis 15

4。2 Writing Error Classification 16

4。2。1 Lexical Negative Transfer 16

4。2。2 Syntactic Negative Transfer 20

4。2。3 Negative Transfer of Written Habits 23

Chapter 5 Conclusion 26

5。1 Findings 26

5。2 Suggestions 27

5。3 Limitations 29

References 30

Chapter 1 Introduction

1。1 Background of the Research来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766

Native language transfer is an important research topic in the second language acquisition。 When certain characteristics of the mother tongue are similar or identical to the target language, the mother tongue will have beneficial effect on the language learning。 It is called positive transfer。 On the contrary, if learners blindly apply the mother tongue to the target language mechanically and ignore the differences between the mother tongue and the target language, it will cause the negative transfer。 At present, the research on the mother transfer mainly focuses on the negative transfer。

Foreign scholars began the research on negative transfer of mother tongue in the 1950s。 In 1976 Freeman pointed out that compared with those who have the article in their mother tongue, Japanese students are more likely to make mistakes in this aspect since they cannot consult this in Japanese, which can be the evidence of the negative transfer of mother tongue in the second language learning。 Ellis (2000) made a research on the influence of negative transfer of mother tongue on different learners and found that the proportion of negative transfer errors depends on the differences in the learners’ first language, age and the English proficiency。 Odlin (2001) gave an acceptable definition of language transfer which was based on the phenomenon of language transfer in the second language acquisition。 All of these indicate that negative transfer of mother tongue has influence on students’ writing。论文网

















