A Comparative Study of ESL Textbooks  in Primary Stage in China and the USA

Abstract Nowadays, English plays a more and more important role in communication among people of different countries and regions so that learning English in many countries and regions has become a craze including China。 As the beginning of the English as a Second Language (ESL) learning, the primary stage is extremely crucial for language learners because it has a vital role in learners' habits cultivation and intellectual development。 The textbook, the tool of language teaching and learning, is not only a significant element for teacher to organize class teaching but also the core content of students’ learning process。 Based on the research of the ESL English textbooks in China and the USA, this paper compares American and Chinese English textbooks in the aspects of forms, ideas and contents, which mainly consists of two parts: the theoretical basis quos of ESL English textbooks in China and the USA and the comparison of these ESL English textbooks in China and the USA。 In this way, this paper aims to help the adaption of the EESL English textbooks and develop the teachers’ ability of evaluating ESL English textbooks。90389

Keywords: ESL English textbooks; primary English teaching; Comparison of American and Chinese English textbooks


摘  要 现如今,英语在世界各国人民的交流中占据越来越重要的地位。学习英语成为许多国家和地区的潮流,中国也是如此。作为以英语为第二语言的语言学习进程的开端,初级阶段尤为重要,因为它还深刻影响了学习者的习惯培养和智力发展。而被视为语言教学和学习的工具的教材,不仅是老师组织课堂教学的一个重要因素,也是学生们学习语言的核心内容。基于对中美两国的非母语英语教学课程教材的调查研究,本文从组织形式、编写理念、教材内容三个角度对中美两国的非母语英语教学课程教材展开了比较,主要由两国的非母语英语教学理论研究和教材比较两部分构成。通过对两国英语教材的比较,本文可以帮助英语教材的改编和改进,以及提高教育工作者对非母语英语教学课程教材的甄别评价的能力。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Research background and significance 1

1。2 Literature review 1

2。 The Theoretical Basis of 来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 ESL English Textbooks of China and the USA 2

2。1 Multiple Intelligence Theory 2

2。2 Zone of proximal development 4

3。 The Difference of ESL English Textbooks in China and the USA 5

3。1 Editing Ideology 6

3。2 Editing Structure 6

3。3 Contents 7

4。 Conclusion 7

References 8

1。 Introduction

1。1 Research background and significance论文网

Nowadays, English is the most widely used language in the world, and it could be found in every corner of the world。 In other words, English plays a more and more important role in exchanges and communication between people of different countries and regions so that learning English in many countries and regions has become a craze including China。 From the perspective of the world, the number of English speaking has exceeded the number of any language, more than and 10 countries use English as their mother tongue, the official language of 45 countries is English, 1/3 of the world's population (twenty) speak English。 For example, in Japan, in addition to their own native language: English is their second language, many high-level Japanese to speak English as second language; with reform and opening up and the integration of the world's history, on the teaching of English as a second language proposed higher requirements。 In the United States, Non-English speaking people speak English as a second language learning is also very important, only through speak English can make them better integrate into the American society, to be able to get more opportunities。 Because of the two countries have different cultural traditions and different educational concept, it makes great differences in the compilation of English textbooks for the primary stage of second language differences, the correct of understanding between the two countries second primary stage English teaching are not similar, plays an important guiding role and practical significance can promote the healthy development of foreign language education in China。

















