However, there are many problems in the process of English Teaching in our country, such as the preparation of teaching materials is not suitable for students to learn, the old teaching materials, the quality of teaching materials is not high, all of Chinglish and so on。 Thus, adapt to the development of the times, China are paying more attention to revise textbooks, and textbooks is not only a significant element for teacher to organize class teaching but also the core content of students’ learning process。 What’s more, the primary stage of English learning is extremely crucial for language learners because it has a vital role in learners' habits cultivation and intellectual development。 In view of the reasons I mentation in the teaching of English as a second language in China, I believe that it is necessary to study the topic about textbooks

1。2 Literature Review

Jin Xiaodong (2007) proposed using English as the most frequency they world language, in China more and more attention, but from the current perspective, enthusiasm for learning English in the China though very high, but the learning effect is not ideal, the mode and method of China only continuous improvement of English teaching, make full use of English speaking countries teaching methods, in order to better promote the rapid development of the English teaching China。文献综述

Deng Nanchang(2010), a Chinese scholar, once pointed out: How to adapt to the reform of foreign language teaching in second language teaching, improve the students' comprehensive language competence, cultivate talents to meet the social needs, is the need to solve second English Majors in the foreign language classroom teaching problems。 In this paper, the author analyzes the present situation of the second foreign language classroom teaching of English majors, and provides reference and Enlightenment for the study of the second foreign language。

Xiong Changmei, Jiang Eagle (2001) thinks how to learn a foreign language or a second language faster and more effectively? Before 70s, people thought the success of learning is how to teach, so for a long period of time, people are constantly improving teaching methods。 But after that, research on foreign language teaching how to transfer from the start to teach how to learn, people realize that successful language learning depends mainly on the learner himself, and one of the important factors of learning strategies are regarded as foreign language acquisition。 Xiong Changmei, Jiang Xiongying surveyed 197 college students in Jiangxi Normal University, to understand students' learning strategies and affect the operation of professional, gender, language level of the use of strategy selection, finally discusses how to improve the students' awareness of learning strategies and how to improve the learning ability。 They think is necessary from the teaching material into Improve the English teaching materials in china。

Terry (2006) proposed that English as a second language teaching and learning process and its efficiency, many disciplines have long psychology, linguistics, English teaching and the two language acquisition and so on。 In this paper through the analysis of relevant theory of second language learning strategies, discusses English acquisition over common mistakes in the process, put forward several problems of application of second language learning strategies should be paid attention to in teaching。 In this paper, solving strategies, pointed out in the world at present in the process of English learning, there is a big problem in non-English speaking countries written textbooks, mistakes more, and the lack of guiding students' learning interest, should be constantly improved。

















