A Probe into C-E Translation of Hangzhou Tourism Texts from the Functional Perspective


    Tourism has indispensably been becoming a common part of social consumption for human life。 To relax from overloaded daily work and to learn more about historical backgrounds, most people, especially foreigners may choose to visit sites of primitive cultures during their holidays。 Therefore, the number of travelers has climbed dramatically in the recent years。 Hangzhou, after being the host of G20 summit, has become a popular tourism destination for the oversea visitors。 In a tourism destination, everything may be unknown and new to a foreign visitor who travels around the tourist spots despite the translation of the tourist destinations’ introductions---the tourism texts。 Hence, the C-E tourism text, which undertakes the responsibility to disseminate culture, is a bridge to facilitate the interflow of different cultures。 However, language barriers and mistakes in C-E translation of tourism texts may cause target tourists to have wrong understandings of Hangzhou, and impede the development of cross-cultural communication。 Therefore, it’s crucial to offer a faithful tourism translation text which can be easily understood by foreign visitors and give them a taste of cultural sense。85210

To give a terrific tourism translation text, the theory guidance is of vital importance。 As the base of functional theories of translation, Skopos theory, established by the famous German linguists Hans Vermeer and Katharina Reiss, comprises the core idea that translating and interpreting should primarily take into account the function of the target text, which provides a new perspective for Hangzhou C-E tourism translation。 From the functional perspective, the aim of tourism translation is the primary yardstick of the translation。 Hence, the tourism translation text is the informative reference book and operative advertisement according to Katharina Reiss’s four text types approach, processing different strategies of translation。 Skopos theory contains three rules: the Skopos rule (which means the translation strategies of the texts should be determined by its purpose,), the coherence rule (which means the translation texts are acceptable for target readers), and the fidelity rule (which means the translation texts are faithful to the source language)。

After the classification of background and meaning of the text and literature review, the author of this thesis intends to make a probe into the Hangzhou C-E translation text from the Functional perspective。 The examples and cases, from Hangzhou tourism website, brochure and the C-E tourist attraction introductions, would be assessed with the three rules。 Meanwhile, the merits and mistakes would be demonstrated with the criteria of Skopos theory。 Last but not least, the author would make conclusion of the dissertation and analyze the demerits of it, hoping to provide a reference for the future practice of tourism translation and enhance the international image of Hangzhou no matter how little it is。

Keywords: functional perspective; Hangzhou tourism translation; translation strategy



旅游正逐渐成为现代生活不可或缺的一部分,在人们日常消费中稀疏平常。为了从超负荷的工作中忙里偷闲,亦为了解更多的历史文化知识,大多数人特别是外国人选择在节假日游览历史悠久的名胜古迹。自杭州举办G20峰会之后,对海外游客来说,杭州正成为一个炽手可热的旅游胜地。在一个旅游景点,除了旅游景点简介等翻译,其他对游客来说一切可能都是新的。因而旅游翻译文本承载着传播文化的任务,是文化交流的纽带。但语言障碍和误译则可能造成受众对杭州的误解,阻碍文化的交流。为了让外国游客理解,精确达意的旅游文本翻译十分必要。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766

















