5。1 Choosing  suitable  films 8

5。2 Warm-up previewing 9

5。3 Extensive  listening  and  intensive listening 10

5。4 Extended practicing 11

6。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 14

1。 Introduction

Traditional English teaching has been unable to meet the trend of English internationalization and globalization。 It has become the key about how to learn English in the Chinese language environment and how to create a good environment for English learning。 Language learning not only is the process of reading and writing, but needs to spend a lot of time for dialogue and communication, while learning English often lacks the language environment。 In order to get good language environment, the most direct way is certainly  to go to English-peaking countries for study, which is not realistic to some people。 Therefore, in order to obtain the natural language environment, we can use English films to create an English language environment to improve English listening and speaking ability in domestic。 源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 The good language environment and rich cultural connotations of English films can make the majority of English learners, especially young people find the long lost motivation of learning English。 English films are not only a kind of entertainment tool, but also one of the effective ways to learn English。 Watching English films can not only help students understand the English-speaking countries culture, but also help them improve English listening  and speaking abilities。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 Research background

H.G。 Widdowson, a famous linguist, once pointed out (Widdowson 58): “Language teaching for the purpose of communication requires a teaching method which combines language skills with communication skills。” In recent years, in terms of English teaching, we emphasizes the combination of language learning and application and pays more attention to creating scenes of language practice, which make teaching content more vivid, specific and practical, in order to improve the students' ability of language application。 To achieve the above purposes, one of the best ways is to let students enjoy English films。来自优W尔Y论W文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520,18766

Some  other  scholars  also  have  done  researches  on  it。  For  example,  Raniah Hassen Kabooha’s study (Kabooha 255) concludes that films are powerful instructional tools that can help in developing students’ language skills。 Li Jin believes that most of the students  think that English films can be used in listening and speaking classes (Li 32)。 He Jingya’s experiments (He 3)using the questionnaires and tests about watching English films show that it effectively arouses students' enthusiasm of learning English, and greatly improves the students' learning interest in English。 The above researches all indicate that  watch English films is favorable。

2。2 Purpose and significance of the study

English listening and speaking have taken a certain proportion  in  English teaching, which has become an important task of English teaching。 Communication using English as a tool includes listening, speaking, reading, writing, etc。, while listening is the basis of other communicative activities。 For a long time, the teaching of listening has been underway by simply explaining words on the tape, answering questions, explaining language  points, reading after tapes and so on, which makes the listening and speaking class dull as ditch water and teaching effects are not achieved。 It turns out that the atmosphere in the classroom is dull and teaching methods are monotonous, making students' mentality depressed。 One of the biggest drawbacks of the teaching mode is to make excessive demands on students that all the students understand the listening content accurately。 This teaching mode increases a sense of security for teachers, but increases students' affective disorder and the degree of anxiety。 It often causes some students to give up their hard work and improvement of listening and speaking when they tried their best but failed。

















