With the rapid development of science and technology, the widespread use of multimedia greatly enriches and expands the learning resources and means to learn English  which provides the material basis for the construction of natural and true English language environment。 English films officially entered the listening and speaking classes。 Films present an environment similar to real life environment for students。 The reality of films provides rich situational languages, real intercultural information and practice in listening and speaking classes。 Film languages make up the deficiencies of language materials deliberately arranged in some textbooks and provide students with a more extensive, vivid vision situation to  make

students feel personally on the scene and improve their enthusiasm of students’ listening and speaking。 That is the purpose and significance of this paper。

3。 Advantages of Watching English Films

3。1 Improving student’s interest in learning English and its culture

For a long time, the teaching of English listening has been taking the teacher as the leading role。 Teachers play listening materials, while students listen to them and finish the exercises。 The teachers explain the practice, which completes a listening class task。 Students tend to feel that the class is boring because of the difficulty of selected material。  Meanwhile, if listening materials are slightly difficult, students will feel hard to understand them because the students’ level of listening is not very good。 As time passes by, students will completely give up improving listening and speaking。论文网

The images and sounds in English films combine with each other as  a whole, which makes a change in the traditional language learning。 About the same listening materials, the students who sit in the classroom watching English films have a higher degree of devotion to English learning and level of understanding than those who only listen to tapes。 Exaggerated action and dialogues in films, combined with the relevant pictures and background materials, are more beneficial to improve students' level of listening and abilities of language comprehension。 English films deeply attract students’ attention because they have attractive stories, complicated plots, strong personalities of characters, vivid and natural language  and so on。 The audio-visual English films are more comprehensive and specific to show the use of the English language environment, so as to fully mobilize students' sense organs such as eyes and mouth to actively capture and understand the information and implication of English dialogues, which greatly stimulates their curiosity and interest in learning English and thus improves the efficiency of learning English。

Learning a language is not only to have some grammar knowledge and to cultivate the basic language skills, but the most important thing is to understand the culture background of the language。 The film is a mirror, which reflects the social culture and life in a country and  a nation most intuitively and vividly。 It includes all aspects of social life, reflecting the most prominent social problems。 The story of the film itself and the actor each dialogue of actors all present and convey the culture information, including the lifestyle, customs, value orientations and modes of thinking in this country。 Enjoying English films can make students broaden their horizons, better understand the differences in Chinese culture and Western culture and deepen the understanding of the English language, so as to reduce cultural conflicts。文献综述

3。2 Creating a good language environment for students

Language and environment are inseparable。 Environment is the basis of language,  and the language can be achieved in a certain environment。 In second language acquisition, language environment plays an important role in English teaching。 We can not only pay attention to English language teaching, but strive to create language environment to cultivate students' strong awareness of culture。 In this way, students will pay more attention to differences of culture and the impacts of language, so that students’ interest of learning English can be inspired, maintained and developed and students actively participate in the teaching process of creating the language environment in China。 For middle school students, their learning effect will be seriously interfered because they are learning English in native Chinese language environment which lacks the atmosphere in English language environment。 The need for good language environment in the training of English listening and speaking ability is a must。 The improvement of English listening and speaking ability will be limited if students only learn grammar, vocabulary and listening materials which have been  slowed down with no noise in the classroom。 Therefore, in the current middle school English teaching process, it’s significant for teachers to create English language environment for students。 English film is a good choice。

















