Abstract China’s rise in its global standing boosts a more and more active participation of Chinese-specific terms in the global discourse。 Chinese-specific terms play a very important part in C-E translation。 Changes of the translational eco-environment inevitably bring about changes in translation methods。 Therefore, it is necessary to reexamine the study of the English translation of Chinese-specific terms so as to promote China’s publicity。 Eco-translatology, proposed by Professor Hu Gengshen, is a totally new theory on translation studies。 Under the guidance of ecological holism, he applies Darwin’s Adaptation and Selection principle to the translation studies。 Eco-translatology holds that translators must carry out transformations in linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions。 Based on the studies of Eco-translatology, this thesis will analyze the English translation of Chinese-specific terms in the English version of 2017 RWG by CCTB from the perspective of the Three-dimensional transformation in eco-translatology。85956

Keywords: Eco-translatology; English Translation of Chinese-specific Terms; Report on the Work of the Government; Three-dimensional transformation




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

2。1 Previous studies on Chinese-specific Terms 2

2。2 Previous studies on Eco-translatology 2

3。 An Analysis of the English Translation of Chinese-specific Terms in 2017 RWG from the Three-dimensional Transformation in Eco-Translatology 3

3。1 Transformation from the linguistic dimension 4

3。2 Transformation from the cultural dimension 6

3。3 Transformation from the communicative dimension 8

4。 Conclusion 10

Appendix 11

Works Cited 12

1。 Introduction 

With the fast development of China’s economy and its engagement in international affairs, a lot of new vocabularies with Chinese characteristics come into being。 They stand for various aspects in Chinese-specific context, which are closely related to the Chinese social environment。 Chinese-specific terms (CST for short) have always been the focus in translation activities and studies with their unique charm。 Actually, considerable researches have been conducted for the English translation of CST。 However, few people paid attention to the translation of CST in Report on the Work of the Government (RWG for short)。 This is undoubtedly unfavorable for a comprehensive study of the English translation of CST。

The annual RWG reviews the government work during the past year, and puts forward both major tasks and general work arrangements for the current year, including industry, agriculture, education, diplomacy, biology, economy, etc。 Thus, it has become the most important and authoritative source for the world to comprehend China’s situation。 RWG is abundant with CST, which presents a picture of China’s progress in different fields in certain periods。 Most CST in RWG are in pace with the latest development of China, which find no equivalences in English。 Besides, some of them have undergone various evolutions and been endowed with different connotations due to the development in different fields。 Hence, it is necessary to reexamine the English translation of CST to promote China’s participation in the global discourse。

















