American food culture is quite different from Indian。 They eat bread, milk, eggs, juice, coffee or sausages for breakfasts。 And they usually have fast food for their lunch near their workplaces, which is very convenient for them。 As usual, they’ll eat sandwiches, fruits, coffee, hamburgers or hotdogs for lunch。 At dinner, they’ll eat pork, beef or fried chicken, along with bread and butter。 They love to eat dessert before sleep。 We can see that Americans prefer fast food from this film。 There’s a clip about Shashi buying food in a cafeteria, there was a long queue there and people were in a hurry because they had a very busy schedule。 That’s why they like fast food more。

3。2。2 Costumes

Turban and sari are Indian traditional costumes。 We can see that Shashi was always wearing sari throughout the film, and Americans appreciate it and think it’s very unique。 Although young people in Indian these days wear T-shirts and jeans, traditional costumes are still their favorite clothes。 Wearing sari has nothing to do with social status and caste system, but different qualities of sari could represent their social status。 Silk sari and handmade sari are good ones, which is more expensive。 Wearing accessories is another traditional feature of Indian females。 From nose rings, bracelets to anklets and toe rings, accessories are not only used for ornament, but also representing people’s status。

Americans costumes are more casually, mostly T-shirts and jeans。 Their wearing styles are just like Europeans。 But in formal occasions, people would wear formal clothes, such as full evening dress。 In semi-formal occasions, people may dress more casually, wearing dark suits or short gowns。

3。2。3 Weddings

On an Indian wedding, the new married couples wear traditional Indian clothes, the bride wear in red because red is a color represents a wealthy life and a large family, and the bridegroom wear white clothes。 The new couple gives a red dot on the guests’ foreheads and the relatives give the new couple red dots on their foreheads。 They have to spin around the campfire several times and throw fried rice into the fire。 Their relatives and friends throw rice and flowers to the new married couples and wish them a happy life。 Of course, Indian dance is an indispensable part of an Indian wedding。文献综述

An American wedding is just like that in western countries。 They often hold weddings in a church。 The new couples wear in white, which represents holy and pure。 As the ceremony begins, the groom and his groomsmen stand with the minister, facing the audience。 The bride will hold her father’s arm to walk to the bridegroom。 Then the father will put the bride’s hand to the groom’s hand。 The priest will ask the couple to make a lifetime vow to each other, and this is the upsurge of the wedding。 And then they’ll exchange their rings and kiss each other, with the blessing of everyone。 After that, there would be a wedding ball。 People dance together and enjoy themselves。

3。2。4 Inpidualism and collectivism

Inpidualism is American culture’s kernel。 Inpidualists emphasize the exercise of one’s own goals and desires and attach great importance to independence and self-reliance and they think inpidual interests should get priority over a social group or the state。 American worship supremacy of inpidual rights and be a self-made man。 They live for themselves and they stress personalities。 They pursue self-expression。 Americans are frank and honest。 They dare to state different opinions and have a strong self consciousness and independent will。 They don’t rely on others too much。 People attach great importance to personalities。 Indian people worship collectivism。 Collectivists lay more emphasis on societal and national interests more than their own ones。 Indians are more conservative and they emphasize marriage and are more loyal to it than people in many other countries。

















