Abstract   This paper is mainly about Hamlet and Le Comte de        Monte-Cristo。 As the representative of the Western literature of revenge, Hamlet and Le Comte de Monte-Cristo have a great influence on future generations。 Based on the revenge process of Hamlet and Dantes, the thesis explores the differences and similarities of two heroes’ images by analyzing their revenge methods and reasons for differences。 Through above analysis, the thesis aims to probe into human recovery reflected in the works。 85954

Key Words: revenge literature; Hamlet; Edmond Dantes; comparison of character image; differences and similarities

摘 要《哈姆雷特》和《基督山伯爵》作为西方复仇文学的代表作,对后世影响极大。本论文主要立足于两部作品的主人公哈姆雷特和唐泰斯复仇过程,重点分析了二者在复仇形象的差异性和相似点,探索了二者复仇的方法,并从两个方面阐释了二者复仇的原因。通过分析,论文旨在探求经典文学作品体现的人性复苏。



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

2。1 Previous study 1

2。2 The different revenge background information 2

2。2。1 The social trends reflected by the two novels 2

2。2。2 The revenge process of the two heroes 3

3。 The Differences through Revenge 4

3。1 The differences in revenge method 4

3。1。1 The method used by Hamlet--Pretending to be insane 4

3。1。2 The method used by Edmond Dantes--Answering blows with blows 5

3。2 Reasons for differences 6

3。2。1 Character traits 6

3。2。2 Attitude toward love 9

4。Similarities through Revenge 10

5。Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction

Revenge is an action against a person who harms anyone’s interest or emotion。 Meanwhile, revenge is also a special cultural phenomenon in the history of human culture。 Revenge literature, as a literary theme, from ancient Greece to now, continues to develop。 Modern people have more and more researches on this。 Hamlet and Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, as classic works of revenge literature, they have many similarities and differences。 The thesis is composed of four parts。 Part one presents literature review。 I mainly talk about previous study and different revenge background information in this part。 Part two presents the differences through revenge。 I focus on the two heroes’ different methods and analyze reasons for differences from two factors: character traits and attitude toward love。 What’s more, I talk about similarities through revenge in the fourth part。 After that, I make a conclusion about my thesis。 The purpose of this paper is mainly to compare the avengers’ images of these two books from above perspectives。 I choose this topic because I am interested in revenge literature。 As representatives of Western Revenge Literature, Hamlet and Le Comte de Monte-Cristo are worthy of research。 And there are not many people making comparison between them。 Through my thesis, I hope that I can have overall understanding about two heroes and experience human recovery of two books。 I also hope that people can understand that researches on Hamlet and Le Comte de Monte-Cristo will never be out of date。 As we all know, classic works will have an everlasting influence on later generations。 

















