2。 Literature Review

For A Dream of Red Mansions, it has been hot comments for a long time with lots of works。 A dream of red mansions creates many characters, and has become immortal artistic ideal and the radiance forever in the history of Chinese literature and world literature。 The language artistic achievement of this novel more represents the peak of our country’s classic novel language art。 The author often uses a few words to paint a living which has a distinct personality and characteristic of the image; every typical image of the language the author writes has its own unique personality, so that the readers with these languages can distinguish characters。 Due to the aspects of the outstanding achievements mentioned above, A Dream of Red Mansions either in content or artistic skill has its new look with permanent artistic charm, making it enough to stand among the literature of the world and no less。 

    Lu Xun has a very incisive comment on A Dream of Red Mansions: “As to the value of A Dream of Red Mansions, it is rare indeed in Chinese fictions。 It lies in its courage to be honesty without taboo and it differs from former novels which advocate that the good is good, the bad is bad, so the figures it narrates are true。”论文网

A scholar, from Shanghai East China Normal university, said that A Dream of Red Mansions has epoch-making boundary points for the history of China。 That is to say, the history of China, in terms of cultural meaning, can be briefly pided into a dream of red mansions history before and after the dream of red mansions of history。 A Dream of Red Mansions not only marks the history of the past but also marks the rise of a kind of humanistic spirit。 From that we can see that A Dream of Red Mansions is in the prominent position in the Chinese cultural history。

Mr Zong Pu, a famous writer, in the preface to the book The Revelation of Red Mansions written by Wang Meng said: “Nothing but the book A Dream of Red Mansions is a mining。 As the changes of the times and the readers’ replacement, it will produce new content, new vitality。 It is a jewel of great price, and to play the role of a cornucopia, put a variety of media,  deep feeling all gathered around and their glow。”

Throughout the history of translation, people were constantly showing deliberation and exploration over many problems in translation, thus formulated different translation theories and study schools, various translation theories competing and exhibiting, provided a new perspective for translation studies。 From the beginning of the mid twentieth century, western studies on translation theory have made a great breakthrough。 Theorists began to interpret translation phenomena from point of views of hermeneutics, deconstruction, post colonialism, feminism, discourse right, aesthetics of reception, and reader response theory, leading to the emergence of manipulation, polysystem and functionalist and other fractions。文献综述

Among them, the fundamental equivalence theory is written by Eugene Nida。 He put forward the “functional equivalence” which indicates by translating the words on the surface, achieving functional equivalence between two languages。 Nida’s daily academic activities are based on the Bible translation。 During the translation of Bible, Nida developed a set of translation theory from reality, and finally, his theory became one of the most classical translation study。 This paper mainly focuses on the loss of affective meaning which includes Tanchun’s aloofness, inferiority, Yingchun’s cowardice, helplessness, resigning herself to adversity, Xichun’s affective indifference, attachment, weakness, Skybright’s conceit, lofty, recruiting envy from others…On the basis of this, for the settlement and analysis of document literature, the main problem is how to blend document literature well to the paper, so that it can provide evidences for paper, which is the key。 However, the writing of the paper must have author’s own opinion, therefore, in this paper, the analysis of the document literature is an integrated process。 











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