Classroom activities also enhance the friendship between teachers and students。 Teachers need a lot of supervision and intervention, understand students’ needs in terms of knowledge, skills and emotions and increase the multi-dimensional interaction between teachers and students and between students and students。

Improve the classroom atmosphere and stimulate students’ enthusiasm for learning。 Cooperative learning groups students according to the level of knowledge and the ability to communicate so that the conditions of each group are balanced。 It provides students with a relatively relaxed learning environment and a good learning atmosphere。 Students can express their ideas anyway。 Students talk with others and exchange views with others freely。 It increases confidence for the group’s victory, promotes the development of students’ initiative and arouses the enthusiasm of students to learn English。

Improve the traditional interpersonal relationship model and establish a new harmonious and equal relationship between teachers and students and students and students。 In traditional English classroom teaching, teachers are the center of teaching activities。 Students are passive to use most of time to listen to teachers and take notes。 Teachers as a class center are difficult to exchange ideas with students。 The students’ initiative can not be stimulated。 Cooperative learning requires students to take the initiative, be responsible for their own learning be a teacher to themselves as well。 In teaching, teachers should take consideration of all students, be good at observing students’ performance, be good at listening to students’ views and opinions, be good at communicating with students, understand students’ learning discrepancy and focus on students’ intrinsic potential。 We can narrow the distance between teacher and students。 Effective classroom teaching requires us to build a democratic and equal cooperation between teachers and students。论文网

Cultivate students’ sense of cooperation and improve interpersonal skills。 Compared with traditional teaching, cooperative learning has the following advantages:

Students should be interdependent, have faith of overcome difficulties and care about their own learning。

In face-to-face communication, students should have full language and non-verbal communication。

Every student must be responsible for their own learning。

Students must have a certain social capacity of communication, trust and resolve contradictory。

These show that the introduction of cooperative learning into junior high school class will significantly improve students' awareness of cooperation and interpersonal skills。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 Interactive hypothesis theory

The theory of interactive hypothesis was proposed by Michael Long。 He believes that when communication is difficult to understand, the two sides of the conversation must repeat, interpret and adjust the voice and so on basing on the reflection of the other side (Long 19-42)。 The result of the change is that the language input is easy to accept, which is conducive to the learner’s language learning or communication。 The hypothesis also emphasizes the importance of comprehensible input(Long 224-255)。 And is committed to studying how to make the input understandable。 And thus promote learners’ language acquisition。 They believe that the following three ways can make language input become understandable。 文献综述

When the language input is beyond the learner’s understanding ability, we can simplify the language so that it is not so complicated。 

Use language and hyper-language( such as speaker’s expression, body language and sign language and so on) to analyze the input information。 

That is, turn the one-way interaction between teachers and students into the two-way form of interaction between teachers and students and students and students, as well as language adjustments such as repeat, interpret and change of speech speed。 

















