1。 Introduction 源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766

In 1986, China issued Compulsory Education Law, the number of students is growing rapidly, many rural classes hold even more than 100。 Some medium call it “big-size class”, this kind of class is chiefly appear in less developed areas and greatly hinder the development of education。 Besides, most rural school haven’t English teacher and students have no chance to learn English so that students know nothing about English。 Although China has developed rapidly in recent years, these big-size classes are still existed and the quality of English teaching is still poor。 Nowadays, English as an international language, it plays an important role to communicate with each country, so it is essential to learn English。  However, English teaching in large rural classes haven’t got great development, there are exist many problems in big-size classes, it should not be ignored by educators and government。 So the author feels that it has a profound significance to investigate the problems of English teaching in large rural classes and explore some effective strategies。 This thesis aims at analyzing the problems of English teacing in large rural classes by gathering data collection and probing some strategies to solve these problems。

2。 Literature Review 

2。1 The definition of large class

Large class refers to the class size is too large or the number of students is too large。 In fact, we are accustomed to regarding the large class as the number of students of a class under the guidance of a particular teacher。 As a matter of fact, different countries have different standards about the partition of class size according to their national conditions。 In some foreign private universities, the class that more than 20 students is named large class。 In 1989, Lancaster University and University of Leeds defined a large class that the number of student about 50 in large scale language learning research project。 According to the research, the number of large class is about 50(Penny 256)。 However, In the stage of basic education in China, the number of students of most regions is about 60, but many rural classes hold even more than 100。 The above class sizes, we can call it big-size class namely large class。

2。2 The achievements of foreign and Chinese researchers来自优I尔Q论T文D网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

The problem of class size is early high valued by foreign researchers。 One of the most famous researches is the Smith-Glass Curve of America, the research of Smith and Glass pointed out: “with the class size is reduce, the average score of students will increase。”(Gene V。 Glass 6) Their achievements were drawn a curve and called Smith-Glass Curve。 The research caused a strong reaction in American education。 

From the Smith-Glass Curve, it shows that the number of students is closely related with the students’ marks。 With the number of students is gradually rise, the students’ marks is gradually reduce, when the number of students reached thirty, the students’ marks are never changed and keep a certain level。 Therefore, the class size is relevant to the teaching quality。 Besides, other foreign researchers also studied the problem of class size, some of them feel that it isn’t related with student score。

Chinese researchers pay less attention to the problem of class size, most researchers study the problem only by some theoretical knowledge to get conclusion and there is not experimental data to support their standpoints。

Su Qiudan pointed out: “the size of class has a close relationship with the efficiency of English teaching。”(Su Qiudan 5) Ye Zebin said: “the number of students has a great influence on the choices that teachers organize the class forms。” (Ye Zebin 4-7) Cheng Mingli and Xuming felt that if the size of class is too large, it will cause huge psychological pressure on teachers。 (Cheng Mingli and Xuming 3-7) Wangxia supported the viewpoint: the large number of students is easy to lead the tyrannical control of teacher。 ( Wangxia 10-16)。

















