Over the past three decades, foreign research in this field has developed rapidly。 The area of research is wide and its research team is huge, so they have made great achievement, like SLA is whether an unconscious process or a conscious process, the learning condition and attention assignment, age problem and other aspects。 Many researchers find that the habit of reading mother tongue books and the experience of living abroad determine the learner’s attitude and frequency of reading。 And the ability of reading is also determined by emotional factors。

We can learn that second language research aboard has achieved good results both in terms of macro and micro。 Although we have achieved a little success, the depth and importance of research needs to be strengthened because SLA is a complex process and phenomenon。 However, there are still some differences and disputes in the SLA theory。 And the effect of SLA on language teaching needs to be strengthened (Bao 182)。 

In conclusion, the understanding of its law will be never exhausted。 We should absorb excellent research results to promote the development of our research at home。

3。 Major Types of Emotional Factors and Their Influences

In order to find out the relationship between emotional factors and language learning, we must first define the concept of emotional factors。 Emotion is the psychological attributes of animals。 It is easy to feel but difficult to define。 Arnold thought the broad concept of emotional factors including emotions that can restrict our behavior, feelings, moods, attitudes and other aspects (Arnold 27)。 This definition is more specific than the Krashen’s concept of emotional filtering。 When the variety of emotional factors are intertwined with each other, it is not easy to separate the role of a single factor。 Common emotional factors are as follows:


Motivation is one of emotional factors。 It lets people do something purposefully and is more likely to succeed。

3。1。1The definition of motivation and its influence

Motivation is defined as the learner’s attitudes and affective state or learning drive。 It is a key factor in language learning。 Generally four types of motivation have been identified:

Instrumental motivation means people learn a foreign language in order to pass some exams, get some financial rewards or get promotion etc。 This motivation mainly helps learners to realize external goals。 Through the actual work and the actual communication, people can achieve the prospective goal。 People with instrumental motivation usually want to get something valuable and advantages from learning a new language。

Integrative motivation refers to one drive, which people learn a foreign language to identify with target culture with fulfillment。 In the process of learning language, learners are influenced by social and cultural backgrounds。 Through the touch with the local cultural environment, living environment and interpersonal communication, language learners will become interested in learning a second language and finally stimulate their learning motivations。

Resultative motivation also means a learner learn a second language in order to achieve external purposes。 The language learner is satisfied with the achievement then has a sense of accomplishment。 The realization of the goal helps to maintain motivation and even generates new motivation。论文网

Intrinsic motivation means learners learn the second language for enjoyment or pleasure。 It is also called direct satisfaction。

As motivation is highly a complex phenomenon, to researchers, it is not easy to reach a consensus on it。 However, experts have found evidence to prove that all kinds of motivation do good to learning and they are complementary to each other。

Many researchers concluded that high-motivated students are more successful language learners than low-motivated students。 Motivation is a powerful factor in second language learning。 “Given motivation, anyone can learn a language (Corder 45)。” This phrase came from the famous applied linguist Corder and it emphasized the great importance of motivation。 We can say that motivation can overcome any difficulties and unfavorable conditions。 Motivation can be pided into internal motivation and external motivation。 Internal motivation is influenced by inner factors。 Internal motivation usually stimulates learner’s interests and curiosity。 This kind of motivation is helpful to second language learning and it can increase learners’ consciousness。 External factors like parents’ expectations and finding a good job are also important。 If people think it is important to do one thing, they will make great efforts to achieve their goals set by them。

















