    在跨文化商业交际中, 品牌翻译越来越受到国内外厂商的重视。品牌名称的好坏与一个产品能否在市场上取得成功有着密切的关系。本文对已有的品牌翻译研究成果进行梳理分析,总结出目前品牌翻译中常用的方法和原则,将目前中国市场上外国品牌译名分类。通过问卷调查分析消费者对外国品牌的不同版本的接受程度,得出品牌翻译不是简单地考虑目的语文化的影响, 而应该要具体分析该商品的潜在消费者的年龄层次、教育背景等因素。5777
    关键词  品牌   消费者接受度   翻译方法   影响因素
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title      Foreign Brand Name Translation and its Acceptance                 
    In cross-cultural business communication, brand name translation has gotten more and more attention by the domestic and foreign manufacturers. The quality of the brand name has a close relation to the success of a product in the market. This paper summarizes the current commonly used methods and translation principles of brand name, and classifies the foreign brand translations on the present Chinese market through the previous research achievements. Based on the analysis of consumers’ acceptance of different versions of foreign brands, the paper concludes that the brand translation needs to consider not simply the cultural influences of the target language, but to fully analyze factors like age, educational background of the potential consumers as well.
    Keywords  Brand   Consumers’ acceptance   Translation methods   Influencing factors
    Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    1.1  Research Design    1
    1.2  Definition of Brand    1
    2  Literature Review    2
    2.1  Common Brand Name Translation Methods.    2
    2.2  Former Study of Consumers’ Acceptance    3
    3  Theoretical Foundations for Brand Name Translation and Research Design    4
    3.1  Culture    4
    3.2  Aesthetics    5
    3.3  Consuming concept    6
    4  Methods of Brand Name Translation and a Questionnaire of Consumers’ Acceptance    8
    4.1  Questionnaire Design    8
    4.2  Methods of Brand Name Translation    8
    Conclusion    13
    Acknowledgements    15
    Bibliography    16
    Appendix     17
    1    Introduction

    With the fast development of economic integration and globalization, trade between countries has been increasing, so that more and more foreign brands have become well-known by the Chinese people. Indeed, the performance and quality of goods determine their market share, but the function of the brand cannot be ignored. Brand name is the image representative of the commodities, which is also a business card. A successful brand name translation relates to the survival and development of products, the quality of the translation plays a pivotal part in the product and corporate image. Therefore, companies concentrate on designing and explore the fancy brand name, which will boost sales and profits. This paper, based on the findings of a questionnaire of customers’ acceptance of brand names translated by different translation methods, endeavors to sum up and analyze the present methods, influencing factors and consumers’ acceptance of brand translation together and to put forward some new factors that should be considered.
    1.1 Research Design
    Based on the literature review of the study on brand name translation, this paper attempts to describe the influencing factors, methods and consumers’ acceptance of brand name translation together.
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