
    Based on the inpidualism, although the American family ties are weak, a main line running through American family value is an equal love. In American families, they focus on the equality. Under the influence of the inpidualism, family members are independent. They have their own right to make a decision, even though parents should respect their children’s wills. Everyone should be responsible for himself or herself. In American families, making a decision tends to be more democratic. Parents are no longer the absolute leader in family.

    Adhering to inpidualism, American people also lay stress on self-reliance and independence in the life of marriage. Although a couple gets married, they still manage their own finance by their own. They share their obligation, and one partner can’t interfere in another’s finance. They consider this a kind of privacy.

    2.2 Cultural Values in China
    As a representative of eastern culture, Chinese culture derives from Confucian Culture which has developed for several thousand years in China, exerting an edifying influence on every Chinese. Confucian Culture aims at pursuing harmony and achieving harmony.
    2.2.1 Chinese Core Value: Collectivism
    The formation of Chinese Collectivism stems from three factors in brief: geography, life style and Confucian Culture.

    First of all, geography is the initial factor. It is known to all that the Chinese nation was living and multiplying gradually in the middle or lower reaches of the Yellow River. Natural barricades prevent China from connecting with the neighbor countries, such as the deserted Siberian, Mongolian Plateau in the north, high mountain ridges in the west, and the Himalaya Mountains in the southwest. In mainland, there are also a mass of mountains, deserts and rivers piding the continent up. Due to this geographical pision, people have to live in their own limited areas for whole life. Therefore, people must live with neighbors in harmony.
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