
    His story was Poe’s way of saying he didn’t know how to deal with the inability to take revenge on his opposing force. He seemed to hurt himself to an unreal level by taking into his life things like gambling, drinking, and maybe drugs. He begins this story, “The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge.” It seems that Poe could obviously not take revenge on fate and had no one to blame so he took out the bubbling hurt and made himself his own source of source of pain which would be his life itself and his own identity his outlet because he felt shut out from others because everyone he had loved left him in death.  Some authors seek an inspiration for their writings but I believe that Poe just expressed his life and experiences and that is why he is notorious for his horror stories. That’s why the horrible feeling is so real in the story. True stories can touch our heart.
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