
    This paper focuses on these non-correspondences in Chinese and English translation and on the corresponding translating strategies to ensure comparatively full conveyance of information. It falls into five parts, including the introduction and conclusion. First, the first part discusses the connotation of vocabulary between Chinese and English and explains why the author chose this subject. Then part two serves as the theoretical basis for the present study. It includes the research findings of scholars at home and abroad about non-correspondence. Next part is the body of the paper. It is pided into five parts. Firstly, the author will introduce the general differences between China and English. Secondly, the author will introduce the importance of words and color words. Thirdly, the author will introduce the importance of translation. Fourthly, the author will introduce the problems in the translation and the reason why they come into being. Lastly, the author will introduce the non-correspondence phenomenon in color words and idioms and try to find out the culture connotation between Chinese and English. The author analyzes abundant examples that the cultural factors result in the non-correspondences of color words and idioms. In part four, the author will summarize some effective methods in translation about non-correspondence phenomenon. Finally, conclusions are drawn in the last part.

    II. Literature Review

    2.1 Non-correspondence
    With the strengthening of practical English, English learners and enthusiasts have done some research about the non-correspondence during the translation, such as the non-correspondence in semantics, in the part of speech of words, in sentence component and sentence structure, in voice, in affirmation and negation, in negation and affirmation and so on.
    Non-correspondence is a phenomenon which is objective. As a kind of objective phenomenon, the non-correspondence has its own specific feature. The non-correspondence can be separated into two parts, that is, English non-correspondence and Chinese non-correspondence. No matter the non-correspondence come from the English texts or Chinese texts, they do not belong to the corresponding units. The non-correspondence exits alone.
    During the translation, the translators always make every attempt to find out equivalence in the target language composition and reproduce the words and syntax in source language as much as possible, i.e. grammatical features and lexical features. From a macro point of view, the translation equivalence between English and Chinese can be achieved, while each language has its unique way of generalization and expression. There is a big gap between the language and the reality of the pision because of the language of the nation. This difference makes the corresponding works in English and Chinese words do not corresponding, even without the corresponding words. Through the means of translation, we can fill the most differences have existed between the two language. Sometimes the difference was to much to fill with. So from the micro level, some language phenomena cannot be translated. It cannot be completely translated into equivalence. So the translation may not balance the two languages.
    The research of translation theory is an important aspect of translation studies. Foreign translation theory got into China from in middle of 1980s to the middle of 1990s. The translation theories at home and abroad have been mixed together. And through the journey springs, a lot of famous researches, among which Eugene Nina is a ever-green with his Functional equivalence: the maximal and minimal definition. According to him, a maximal ideal definition of functional equivalence should be able to understand and appreciate it in same manner as the original readers did (Eugene).
    2.2 Color Words
    Many experts have involved in the study of color words at home and abroad. In 1969, Paul Kay and Brent Berlin, who are American linguist, was first compared to the color words, nearly 100 kinds of color words, and proposed the Basic Color Term, which described, “Human language is a basic category of color words”(Lv 1). In addition, many Chinese scholars have done deep research on color words. There were many works with the comparative analysis under the cross cultural background and cultural connotation. Bao huinan’s Cultural Context and Translation was plant to discuss on how to determine the translation methods from the study of Semantics Contrast of colors words. Zhang Peiji’s English Color Words was fully discussed the characteristics, application and translation of color words. In the Comment of Basic color Term, Yao Shuiping made a comment about Paul Kay and Brent Berlin’s view on basic color wards. Besides, Liu Runqing discussed the cultural connotations of color words in Language and Culture.
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