In recent years, with the rapid development of network, American TV series have come into a lot of ordinary families and subtitle translation of American TV series has become more civilian. With large numbers of subtitles enthusiasts joining, subtitles translation of American TV series has formed a new atmosphere. On the one hand, as the film itself, with the development of technology, such as Internet, the source culture had experienced great changes and produced some new elements. When it comes to the movies, there appeared many new words and concepts and it proposed big challenges for film subtitle translators. Whether to be faithful to the original or use technique to make the translation much easier to be understood, is very headache for translators. On the other hand, as Chinese, it has always been in an open state and with the development of Internet, new words are constantly poured into. As an emerging audience, they’re very familiar with these words. So naturally, a lot of network vocabularies appear in subtitles translation of American TV series.

Translators in subtitle group have obvious self-awareness, strong audience awareness and they’re keen on popular culture. As a result, their translation will indicate the translator’s subjectivity, mainly in three aspects, i.e. the conversion of cultural image, the mark of the subtext and the application of cyber words. The subtitle translation of contemporary films and television works is a conversion process of cultural symbols. The responsibility of the translator is not only simply transform two languages, but they also need to convey the profound cultural connotation in film and eliminate cultural barriers and conflicts. This is a very high requirement for translator. 来~自^优尔论+文.网

4 Shen Translation and Network Subtitle Group

4.1 Definition of Network Subtitle Group

Compared with the professional translators, the network subtitle group is said to be the essence of grassroots of subtitle translation. Due to the fact that the spread of American TV series require timeliness, subtitle translators usually form a team and translate together. They pide their work and can translate very quickly. Usually they can release the latest subtitles within a few hours. The members of network subtitle groups of American TV series in China are mainly college students. They not only have a broad knowledge of characters and the plot, but are also familiar with American popular culture. They come from different kinds of professional fields. To a certain extent, it can ensure the professional of the translation.

The professional background of translators can make their translation more accurate and also ensure the accurate interoperation of cultural phenomenon. At the same time, these young people are also faithful followers of fashion and trend and they can indicate their popular culture and unique language styles. In addition, the subtitle translators do not receive any salary and they translate completely with a burning desire and interest. What they care most is to work out subtitles of TV series at the first time and they enjoy the honorable feeling when other audiences speak highly of them on BBS. Their enthusiasm towards American TV series makes them a better translator than normal translators. Finally, as the subtitle translators are also TV audiences, they fully understand the audience's psychological demand and have very strong reader consciousness. In the process of their translation, they always put whether audience can understand their subtitles at the first place.

















