    Abstract With the increasing business cooperation in the world, the business translation may act as a medium of cross-culture communication. However, in a long period, many business translators just regarded the equivalence as the translation principle. The successful business translation should rely on the conformity of the original text and the habits of target language so as to eliminate the barrier of cross-cultural communication.
    The thesis will study the basic knowledge of the Constructivist Translatology and business English, then points out the criteria and strategies of Constructivist Translatology for the translators to apply them into business translation. Moreover, by analyzing the features of business English and its translation, we understand the importance of learning relevant business knowledge and business activities procedures from the business translators. Therefore, the principles of business translation can be guided by the Constructivist Translatology.
    The paper falls into six parts. The first part is the introduction. The second part focuses on the basic information about the Constructivism and Constructivist Translatology. The third part centers on the features of business English. The fourth part makes a brief study on the business translation. The fifth part is the key of this thesis, which is the application of the Constructivist Translatology in business translation. The last part is the conclusion of the thesis, which summarizes the adaptation of Constructivist Translatology may solve some existing problems in business translation and guide the business translation principle in business activities. The constructivist criteria and strategies of Constructivist Translatology in business translation will also play positive roles in the cross-cultural communication.
    Key Words: business translation, Constructivist Translatology, business English
    Acknowledgements    .i

    1 Introduction1

    2 Constructivism and Constructivist Translatology.2
    2.1 Theory of Constructivism2
    2.2 Constructivist Translatology3

    3 Features of Business English.7
    3.1 Lexical Features7
    3.2 Syntactic Features. .8
    3.3 Textual Features8
    3.4 Rhetorical Features.9
    3.5 Cultural Features.10

    4 Studies on the Business Translation11
    4.1 Features of Business Translation.11
    4.2 Strategies of Business Syntactic Translation. .11
    4.3 Previous researches of Business Translation Problems.12

    5 Application of Constructivism in Business Translation14
    5.1 Constructivist Translatology and Business Translation14
    5.2 Constructivist Criteria of Business Translation14
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