
    Then the two subordinate rules in Skopos theory they are coherence rule and fidelity rule. Coherence rule means the target texts must be comprehensible to receivers in target language culture and the communicative situation in which the target texts is to be used. In other words, the target text must be sufficiently coherent to allow the intended users to comprehend it, given their assumed background knowledge and situational circumstances. While fidelity rule means there must be an inter-textual coherence between the source texts and target texts, which is similar to the fidelity to the source texts. The target text should be maximally faithful to the source text. That is to say, the translator should be loyal to the source language as well as the target language. However, the degree and form of the fidelity depend on the aim of the target texts and the translator’s comprehension of the source texts. And if the Skopos happens to change, the criterion will no longer be fidelity to the source text but adequacy or appropriateness with regard to the Skopos.

    From these principles it follows that the translator should use the translation strategies which are most appropriate to achieve their purpose. Vermeer thought, the top rule that should follow during the whole process of translation is the Skopos theory. (1989:182) The goal of the translating text always determines the whole process and the result of translation. Skopos theory focuses on translation as an activity with an aim or purpose, and on the intended addressee or audience of the translation. To translate means to produce a target text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addressees in target circumstances.

    1.4 The Characteristics of English Economic News
    In current information age, people grasp information via many sources. News is one of those main sources to let people know the world. And as the main source of international communication, English news is the important means to improve the status and influence of a country. It is also a tool to enhance mutual development of culture. Therefore the accurate translation familiarizes the mutual comprehension between countries, removes the obstacles of language, and accelerates the communication in cultural and economic fields among those counterparts as well.

    The status of English economic news is increasing by a wide margin along with the fast rate of globalization. However to reach the effect of a good reporting of economic news, the first step is to do the job of interview and writing. In following paragraphs, I will discuss some features of English economic news by analyzing the title, the lead part and language of economic news.

    1.4.1 The Characteristics of News Title
    In title, firstly verbs are often used. For example:

    China seeks development through restructuring. (China Daily, June.7th, 2013).

    In this piece of economic news, the entity is “China”. The verb is “seeks”. The writer used the verb “seek” to show China’s eagerness of economic development vividly.
    Secondly, the conspicuous numbers in splash headlines. If the relevant numbers are of large quantity, it will easily attract readers’ eyeballs. For example: The economy in the west China region not only grows fast, but also in a different way. Consumption is taking a greater share in the region's economic growth. The secondary and tertiary industries both grew 8.1 percent for the first time in four years in 2012 and their shares of GDP narrowed to 1 percentage point at 45.3 and 44.6 percent respectively. (China Daily, June.7th, 2013)  So a big number arouses curiosity and attracts readers continue to read more details.
    1.4.2 The Characteristic of News Lead
    The common feature shared by all sorts of news, is that five W’ and one H. They are when, where, who, what, why and how. Those six elements are often appeared in lead. Economic news is usually explanatory reporting, so the cause of economic phenomena often appeared in the lead part. Sentences are basically declarative sentences. For example:
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