
    2.1 The Application of Skopos Rule
    The main function of news is to spread the newly information to readers. So under the guidance of Skopos Theory, the skopos of translation of news is to communicate. All translation acts have their own skoposes or purposes. Though most source texts have a variety of purposes to reach, at least more than one purpose to achieve, they will usually follow a hierarchical order. The translator, as a decision-maker, should judge which particular purpose should be the most initial one for him to carry out in a translational process. It also gives the translator a new perspective to decide which method could be suitably employed in the whole process. Therefore translator use different translation methods even strategies for different element in news.

    2.1.1 Translation of Generic Terms and Proper Nouns under the Guidance of  Skopos Rule
    The biggest language feature of economic news is its professional expression. To some extent, profession means boring and serious. Therefore reporters often use many generic terms. That means the professional expression of a fact or phenomenon. That will somehow set obstacles for unprofessional people or people in irrelative fields of vocations. .

    To eradicate the gap between different professions while reading economic news, not only reporter and editor but also translator should make the language easy-to-understand. To alter those generic terms and difficult proper nouns of source language to easy-to-understand language with literature style by using some rhetorical devices such as metaphor and simile. So that economic news could be commonly and popularly accepted by the common people. Through making those elusive words easier, the connections and communications between various professions or fields become closer and easier. But for economic news’ specialty, some generic terms or proper nouns are still not so understandable to all readers. For example, the word “futures” the plural form of word “future”, instead it means a kind of trade or business, in Chinese  “期货”. And as for word “hacker”, it is a proper noun in the field of computer science. Hacker means a kind of people with high skill of operating computer and programming language. But now in Chinese we call them “黑客” because some of them stole and destroyed information as a form of cyber-terrorism by breaking into other people’s or organizations computers. But for readers there is one way to being familiar with those words-----reading more articles and accumulating the strange words. Only in this way can they remember and understand the new and unfamiliar generic terms and proper nouns in their minds. Especially for English learners, it is an inevitable ways of study.

    However there are so many proper nouns in English vocabulary, translator could not remember clearly all of them let alone readers. At this moment, translator could add annotation part. For the reason that stylistic pattern of news does not like literature. There is no footnote in the limited space. So adding annotation to show the implied meaning as far as possible is a good way of translating. For example:

    A ride in a London taxi from Canary Wharf to the Bank of England sounds like an inimitably British experience. Chinese version is: 从金丝雀码头(伦敦重要的金融区)乘坐出租车到英格兰银行,这听起来就像是在英国的一次独特的经历。(Net.3)

    In this news sentence, “Canary Wharf” means the important economic block in London. In Chinese it should be translated into “金丝雀码头”, but for people who does not familiar with this place and its background information, he will not understand the words easily. He will only think it is a wharf with nothing special. So what translator should do at this moment is just to add annotation to illustrate the related background information. When it comes to this kind of translation, translator should annotate the extra information that is needed to be complete. Only in this way can readers better know that the Canary Wharf is an important economic block but not just a normal one.
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