
    2.2.1 Deletion under the Guidance of Coherence Rule
    As is known to everyone, there are numerous relative words and conjunctions in English just like I mentioned before in my first part of my thesis.
    To keep the relations between words and words, even sentences and sentences, we must use relative words and conjunctions. In other words, relative words are of great importance in connecting the English sentences. However, if translators translating these sentences word by word in order to keep the original structure of sentences, the result of work is a hard piece to understand. That kind of translation work will give people a kind of frozen feeling. And that is against with the coherence rule. Therefore, we use deletion to translate English economic news. For example:
    China Investment Corporation (CIC), a sovereign-wealth fund, has the third-largest stake in Songbird Estates, which controls Canary Wharf Group, the property firm behind the towers that dominate the city’s eastern skyline. The Chinese version is: 歌鸟房地产是伦敦东部房地产的龙头企业——金丝雀码头集团的控股股东,如今中国投资公司(中投)已成为歌鸟房地产的三大股东之一。(Net.3)
    In this example, the Chinese version deleted the relative word “which” and “a sovereign-wealth fund” in English version. Deletion of these two small parts can not destroy the expression of original meaning of sentences. On the contrary, deletion makes the Chinese version more brief and concise. So we use deletion method to translate English economic news because there is limitation problem of news publication space, and deletion could not break the authentic meaning of sentence. Deletion make translational version more coherent.
    2.2.2 Separating Method
    Extensive use of English relative pronouns and parentheses make English sentence structure developed as an intricate tree structure. However, these conjunctions in Chinese sentence may be omitted in many circumstances. Chinese language is linked internal logically other than formally. In the face of long sentences in English, we can first think of using separating translation method to solve the problem. For example:
    CIC’ S approach to property investment, for instance, has been to ally itself with experienced partners, through Canary Wharf Group, on long-term projects in the continent’s most developed market. The Chinese version is: 例如,在欧洲大陆最繁荣的市场里,CIC对一些房地产长期工程进行投资,釆用的方法是联合一些像金丝雀房地产商等有经验的合作伙伴。
    In this example, usage of parentheses and noun phrases in original text make the sentence structure so complicated that is not suitable for literal translation. When it comes to this kind of sentence, we can try separating translation method to solve problem. To split a long and complex sentences into some shorter, simple sentences, and adjust the structure to be integrate. This approach makes the sentence logical and clear. And the most important thing is translation work abided by this approach is complying with the habit of Chinese readers.
    2.3 The Application of Fidelity Rule
    Fidelity rule means there must be an inter-textual coherence between the source texts and target texts, which is similar to the fidelity to the source texts. To be short, it means being loyal to source text. The target text should be maximally faithful to the source text. That is to say, the translator should be loyal to the source language as well as the target language. However, the degree and form of the fidelity depend on the aim of the target texts and the translator’s comprehension of the source texts

    2.3.1 Literal Translation under the Guidance of Fidelity Rule
    The literal translation is the most common and most important translation method under the guidance of fidelity rule of Skopos theory. When the English sentence structures and forms of expression are in line with the Chinese, we tend to use literal translation approach. It can not only convey the original meaning of original text, but also as complete as possible to retain the original style and sentences' form. This translation method satisfies fidelity rule of Skopos theory by making the translation in form and content completely faithful to the original. But it is necessary that to make modification or conversion of the original text in order to achieve faithfulness. For example:
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