
    Hong Kong (where) stocks (who) retreated from earlier gains to end lower (what) yesterday (when) as investors took profit on some mainland stocks following their recent strength (why).
    (香港股市昨日从早期的获利退到了年终的降低,因为自从大陆的一些股票近期呈现出强势的势头之后,投资商从大陆那里获得了利益。) (China Daily, Dec.30, 2005)  

    In this lead, we can see clearly five elements in just one sentence: where(Hong Kong), who(stocks), what(retreated from earlier gains to end lower), when(yesterday), and why(investors took profit on some mainland stocks following their recent strength) as I underlined. Because of this, the translational act of English economic news is fundamental to readers otherwise readers will not comprehend correctly the purpose of news reporter. That is why translator must abide by the three rules put forward by Vermeer.

    1.4.3 The Characteristics of News Language
    News is a special applied writing style. Generally speaking, economic news is born to be professional, specific, accurate, brief, and serious, so these five features are features of news language. Being professional is the biggest feature of economic news language.

    Here I analyzed the features of English economic news language from the perspective of words and sentences.

    Firstly, the most important task for news is to convey the most accurate information to readers. This function of news decided the features of news language. Therefore good selecting of words is the first and foremost step in editing news. Selected words should be specific, accurate, brief, and easy-to-understand. And in economic news, there are many abbreviation forms, small words, and sometimes new terms. For example in news we use “aids” instead of assistance, “cut” instead of “reduce”, “bid” instead of “proposal” to simplify the language.

    Secondly, the readership of news is so broad that makes the knowledge background or level of people are uneven. Therefore news language should be popular to the common people. And one common method is metonymy. We can see mostly countries name, famous building constructs and the names of Governmental Heads in metonymy examples. For instance, “Zhongnanhai” stands China Government, “Hollywood” stands American filmdom, and “Kremlin” stands Russian Government.

    Thirdly, from the perspective of syntax and grammar of news, writers always use relative pronoun, relative adverb, and conjunction to compose clause sentence and compound sentence. For example in this news:
    In a radio address on Friday, Mujica said an agreement has been reached on the participation of Chinese companies and banks in the building of a deep-water port on the Atlantic coast and reconstruction of a railway which has much geographical importance. (China Daily, Jun. 8th)
    As is known to everyone, there are numerous relative words and conjunctions in English. To keep the relations between words and words, sentences and sentences, we must use these relative words and conjunctions. However not all sentences are connected by relative words or conjunctions, there are also many sentences which accomplished with its internal logic order. So in the following paragraphs, I will analyze some translational method and strategies under the guidance of Skopos theory.


    2    The Application of Three Rules of Skopos Theory    
    A successful translation of economic news could be complete under the guidance of three rules in Skopos Theory. The top-ranking Skopos rule is the key thing. And other two subordinate rules will lend helping hand to contribute successful translations under the guidance of the top rule.
  1. 上一篇:德语足球语言中的词汇特点(德语论文)
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