
    4.3.2 The outline stage
    The two sides will briefly introduce their negotiation objectives, targets and imagine what target they want to achieve. At this stage, the two sides of the business negotiation will leave a first impression to each other. Therefore, we must accomplish as follows: when begin to speak, to be concise and comprehensive, and pay attention to emotional aspect. Furthermore, make a summary in short time and strive to obtain each other's approval. The initial approval will help us open the door to success.
    4.3.3 Express stage
    Confirmed the different opinions of both sides and make sure the facts. In order to solve the different opinions, in order to make both sides reach an agreement, we must treat their own needs and the other's needs with honest attitude. What’s more, when we pursue our needs and demand through the talks, we should also take the other side’s interest into consideration, which is the key to the success of the negotiation.
    4.3.4 Confrontation stage
    The real opposition, competitive state of both sides at this stage was obvious. Both sides in the negotiation will strive to get their own benefit and interest, thus the atmosphere will become tense and serious. In this case, the negotiators have to adhere to their own position and the correct analysis of the differences and differences of the two sides. Should use facts to illustrate his point and find out the differences, the use of negotiation skills and reasonable compromise to lighten the atmosphere.
    4.3.5 Compromise stage
    The compromise stage, the need to pay attention to the negotiators: we should uphold the principle of position, and don't hurt each other feelings and affect future work; both to calculating, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of gains and losses, for greater interest, also should not fight over the smallest trifles with unreasonable demands, the high word games. The parties should be based on adhering to the basic requirements, seek common ground, compromise seeking the acceptable.
    4.3.6 Negotiation Stage
    Through negotiations, the two sides that have basically achieved their own ideals, said she obliged, and then by the two sides negotiator his own side in the agreement signed, sealed, shake hands, in order to maintain mutual intimacy, creating good relationship for the next negotiation.
    4.4 The role of business etiquette after signing
    The negotiations reached a large, often to the outcome of the negotiations and immobilization, i.e. contract. In before the signing ceremony, the contracting parties shall jointly do a good job in a variety of text to the preparatory work, including the finalization, translation, proofreading, binding and other work, and agreed to negotiate ritual procedures and other relevant details.
    The text requires legal norms, write in ornate style. First, the content must comply with the law. Write text, "the people's Republic of China Contract Law" and the "people's Republic of China Consumer Protection Law" and some relevant regulations and so on as a reference, pay attention to the law, the law, which is the basis of rule by law. Take the law as the criterion, the consciousness of time cannot be ignored. In addition, the text should pay attention to scrutiny. Negotiators sometimes, a word, a word can make the negotiation process and results. Contract, agreement once a legal text, is not an easy change, is to bear the legal liability, to perform, to realize the promise. Second, pay attention to the normative terms. At any time, the basic format of the drafting of the relevant text must meet the rules or standards. Thus pay attention to detail, arranged in order of precedence. The site layout, first of all involves some very detailed questions, such as, the number of contract text. Generally speaking, there are two sides to their respective retention of text. At the same time, signing requires notaries to testify. Therefore, to the notary is present, when signing shall hold a scene of the signing ceremony, want to open to the media, to reporters. In addition, the signature pen is it right prepared? These are very small but important problem. A most crucial problem, from the etiquette is concerned, this arrangement is very important. It is generally divided into two kinds of situation, bilateral and multilateral contract signing. Bilateral contract is two units participated in the signing ceremony. He is generally as follows: sign in the hall, the signature table is placed horizontally, facing the door across the. Both the main sign, is will be the signature of the person, should be sitting behind the desk facing the main entrance. Outside help sign on both sides of the station main sign. Then, to participate in the ceremony, should stand behind the main sign, sometimes also can sit directly across from the main sign. Multilateral to sign him, in the domestic general is sorted according to the Chinese phonetic alphabet. Foreign words, according to foreign letters arranged sequentially up sign. Multilateral contract, can command all signatory staff are doing in the audience, and there is only one signature position, in accordance with the order of turns up to sign. This approach generally we call sign for the president, then the signature of only a person.
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