
    2. Marketing
    2.1 Fundamental marketing knowledge of products’ trademark translation
    Trademark marketing refers to the ways that trademark agency developing business, creating and delivering value to meet the needs of certain target markets, while profiting from them. (Lena Claxton,2011) Trademark as a medium, may identify unmet needs, define and measure the size of the target market and profit potential, find the most suitable market segmentation to enter for the enterprises. In the process of trademark translation, one must be clear about the product marketing purposes, as well as the important role played by trademarks in product marketing, and use the necessary marketing knowledge to translate product trademarks to achieve marketing objectives. (Lena Claxton,2011)

    The followings will introduce some necessary marketing knowledge of the trademarks translation:

    What is marketing: Marketing refers to the relationship between consumers and the company. By creating the overall atmosphere and their own forms to promote and sell products, consumers may have a deep understanding of the products and then buy the products or services.(Wikipedia.2009)

    The marketing process can be divided into five, namely the opportunity identification, new product development, customer attraction, customer retention and loyalty building and order fulfillment. (Lena Claxton,2010) Marketing is usually successful if these processes can be handled well, otherwise, companies may face a crisis of survival. Identification of opportunities is to explore potential market. That is, to find favorable market opportunities and gaps in the existing market and expand them. New product development is a means to meet market needs from product design, manufacturing process design, to the normal production. Broadly speaking, new product development includes both the development of new products and the original product improvement and updating. New product development is the main research and development focuses of enterprises, and is one of the core business survival and development. One of the products of Apple Company: IPhone, a prevailing smart phone around the world is a well-illustrated example. An upgrade IPhone will be launched into market every year such as Iphone5, Iphone5s and Iphone6. Customer attraction means that the development of potential and existing customers, a process from intriguing customers to convincing them to make a purchase. Customer retention and loyalty building is the development of existing customers. Establishing brand, trademarks, products, and services images in the minds of consumers, and creating a good impression on customers through a series of marketing maneuvers form dependence and brand loyalty. Order fulfillment is the final stage of marketing, referring to the sale stage. Consumers are able to experience the product or service in this stage. This stage is also the convergence point of marketing cycle. The understanding of the marketing process can make one to better play the role of a trademark, and to realize the role played by the trademark in the entire marketing process. For example, a novel, impressing trademark in niche market is capable of attracting customers. This promotes the further development of retaining customers and cultivating loyalty. Some consumers pay because of a good trademark, which implemented the process of order fulfillment. A famous detergent named “Tide” has caught buyers’ attention at the very beginning as the trademark made a clear and direct account for the function and the effectiveness of the product in an attractive way.

    Marketing is a system. There are four parts to support the entire marketing system. First: product; second: ways to profit; third: sales channels; fourth: communication channels. (Lena Claxton.2010) Every part is equally important. Trademarks are parts of the product, with the role of the differencing products. The use of the trademark can distinguish between different goods or services. The most important functions of trademarks are to guide consumers to recognize brand and shopping. A trademark is a means of commodity spreading. For instance, everyone knows Louis Vuitton is a luxury brand which is equal to a superb quality and high social states. Throughout the sales process of goods, the trademark is the first impression of the goods. Trademarks are the important intangible assets of the goods. To exploit a commodity market, in addition to quality assurance, one must advertise with the focus of the trademark to stimulate consumers’ desires, so that consumers may recognize goods in the most efficient way.

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