III。 Translation Status and Problems

3。1 Translation Principles

Firstly, convey。 This is the basic principle of film subtitle translation should be as concise as possible transfer of the languages, the translation should be as complete as possible to express the information the hero to pass, this is a movie subtitle translation of their own lies。

 Secondly, cultural characteristics。 Cultural characteristics are considered to be one of the most difficult to translate content。 On this theory have specific cultural connotations, there are translation experts have said is not the expression of a complete knowledge of the target culture concept, the concept or abstract or concrete, may be associated with religious beliefs, social customs, and even something about。 The film is the reaction of things in life, the film's translation naturally contains a lot of cultural practices。 This caused some to translation difficulties。 Reflect the cultural connotation of a variety of ways, and so as proverbs and sayings。 Only fully understand and grasp the characteristics of film culture background, in order to correct the translation of the movie proper subtlety。

Thirdly, economic。 On film manufacturer point of view, they are not only an art form with such film to achieve enrich people's cultural life, promote exchanges among people of purpose, but also to make a profit to generate social and economic benefits。 That is, it must have commercial value。 Some scholars say: the value of social significance test translation quality and translation ruler。 Thus, the film translation will need to follow economic principles。论文网

Fourthly, aesthetic value of art。 It consists of two aspects of the meaning of artistic translation itself that is artistic and language。 Translation artistry itself refers to the translator has to be a movie based on creative activities。 With the improvement of living standards of people's aesthetic level of film art is also growing。 When only requires the ability to translate simple access to motion pictures, but also artistic, for appreciation, resonate。 In the translation should try to reflect the beauty of phonology, which is a major feature of Chinese culture。 To meet this standard, the translator needs not only high Chinese writing skills, but also has a strong high level of English。

3。2 Translation Features

Popularity: Art comes from life and beyond life。 As the art form closest to everyday life - film and television works, the play must meet the aesthetic language and level of understanding of the public, it also requires Subtitle Translation straightaway, catchy, colloquial fluency and focus。

Momentary: Significantly different films and text kind of work that kind of work can be repeated text reading, however, film and television works express the feelings of the characters through the sound fleeting。 So the film can not have too many translation annotations to illustrate, must be clear and concise, quickly let the audience fully understand the feelings of the characters to be expressed。

Movie translation oral and popularity: the film is a popular art, it must be easy to understand, all ages。 The vast majority of the statement should be easy to translate everyday language。

Time and space restriction : Subtitling is subject to the restrictions of time and space。 Start English subtitles appear and disappear and people must speak and end coincide。 This requires the translator must be within a certain period of time to express the feelings of the characters of the show to the audience。 Space limitations refers to the letter that appears in the bottom of the screen English translation of the text or notes, so there are some limitations in space。 This restriction requires the translator in a limited time and space to the character's inner expression of the head。

 Interculturality: Film translation of cultural resistance, it is both the means of communication but also of cultures。 Different languages on behalf of a way of thinking different ethnic, Translation of film culture plays a vital role in cultural exchanges。

















