exposed to noise in hearing abnormalities are different (P < 0。05), and the maximum age group (41 group) had the highest detection rate; ④ There were differences in

hearing abnormalities among the exposed workers with different exposure years (P < 0。05), and the abnormal rates fluctuated with the increase of exposure years。(2) Spearman correlation analysis results shows: ①2011-2014, the hearing loss of noise-expoused workers was related to diastolic blood pressure and systolic blood pressure(r =0。041-0。097,P <0。05);②Other indexes: hearing loss was not correlated with hemoglobin index, cell index, platelet index, alanine aminotransferase index and average hemoglobin in each year (P > 0。05)。(3)Logistic regression analysis results shows: ①2011-2014, the risk of hearing loss in 16-20 year exposure workers washighe(r   OR2013  =1。362,P<0。05; OR2014=1。057,P<0。05); ② The risk of hearing lossin  36-40  year  old  and  ≥41  year  old  in  noise-exposure  workers  is  relatively high(36-40:OR2011   =3。083,P<0。05;OR2012=1。586,P  <0。05;OR2013 =2。437,P<0。05/≥41:OR2011  =4。416,P<0。05;OR2012=2。726,P<0。05;OR2013 =3。629,P<0。05)。 ③The risk of hearing loss among male noise-expoused workers is higher than that of female noise-expoused    workers Conclusion Sex,  age  and exposure years are influencing factors for hearing loss in noise-exposed workers。

毕业论文关键词:听力损伤; 接噪工人; 影响因素;职业健康监护

Keyword: Hearing  Loss; Noise-exposed  Workers; Influencing    Factors; Occupational Medical Examination

1 引言 4

1。1 背景 4

1。2 本研究的目的和意义 5

2。对象与方法 5

2。1 研究对象 5

2。2 研究方法 5

2。2。1 文献研究法 5

2。2。2 问卷调查 5

2。2。3 统计方法 5

2。3 调查内容 5

2。3。1 体格检查 5

2。3。2 听力测试 6

2。4 相关指标异常诊断标准 6

3。研究结果 7

3。1 研究对象基本情况 7

3。2 2011-2014 接噪工人From优T尔K论M文L网 加QQ75201^8766 听力损伤异常率比较 7

3。3 接噪工人体检指标异常检出情况分析 8

3。4 不同性别的接噪工人听力异常率比较 9

3。5 不同年龄的接噪工人听力情况比较 11

3。6 不同暴露年限的接噪工人听力情况比较










