

    Abstract: With the widespread of internet and highly development of e-commerce,  online shopping has become one of the most popular consumer behaviors. Recently, social commerce has attract much attention with the help of social media which has become a new type of electronic commerce. This type of social network-based online shopping mode has be widely used abroad by large companies. But it, is still at the beginning stage in china and the study on the influencing factors that affect, the consumer’s online shopping satisfaction is still in the exploratory stage. Social network-based e-commerce is not fully developed and mature. This paper mainly analyzes the developed online shopping mode based on the social networks and takes “Mogujie”, a typical social business platform, as an example to discusses the operating, marketing and profit patterns of the social network-based online shopping mode. The paper collects data of consumers’ satisfaction of online shopping through questionnaires, summaries the main influence factors that affect the satisfaction of online shopping, and further discusses how to combine online shopping with social networking sites effectively to achieve a sustainable development.

    毕业论文关键词: 社会化电商; 蘑菇街; 网购满意度; 可持续发展道路

    Keyword: Social e-commerce; Mogujie; Online shopping satisfaction; Sustainable development

    目    录

    1. 引言 4

    1.1 选题背景 4

         1.1.1 互联网的发展4

         1.1.2 社交网络的发展4

         1.1.3 蘑菇街的发展5

    1.2 选题意义 5

      1.3 研究内容.5

    2. 文献综述...5

    2.1 国内外研究现状.5

    2.2 研究存在的问题.7

    3. 相关理论和概念分析 7

    3.1 社会化电商概念 7

    3.2 社会化电商特点 8

         3.2.1 导购性8

         3.2.2 互动性8

         3.2.3 真实性8

         3.2.4 兴趣性8

    3.3 社会化电商现状 9

    3.4 社会化电商存在的意义.9

    4. 以蘑菇街为例探析社会化电商模式 9

    4.1 兴起的原因及驱动因素分析 9

      4.2 核心业务...10

     4.2.1 Top达人10

     4.2.2 买手街..10

     4.2.3 团购..11

     4.2.4 搭配..11

     4.2.5 美妆..11

    4.3 运营方式及特点

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