摘 要:新型城镇化是人们生活和生产方式由乡村型转向城镇型的过程。新型城镇化是以统筹城乡、城乡一体化、城乡之间互动、节约集约、可持续发展等为基本特征的城镇化,其特征是由注重城市发展向注重城乡共同发展发展转变。新型城镇化进程与传统城镇化的最大区别,在于新型城镇化是以人为本,充分强调人的作用的城镇化,实现城乡统筹和可持续发展,最终实现资源配置均衡。在推进新型城镇化的进程中,合理的配置教育资源,提高教育质量的水平,实现地区间教育的协调、均衡和可持续发展,具有十分特殊且重要的意义。94173
abstract:The new urbanization is the process of people's lifestyle and mode of production from rural to urban type。 The new urbanization in urban and rural areas, urban and rural integration, urban-rural interaction, intensive conservation, ecological livable, harmonious development is the basic characteristic of the urbanization, which is characterized by the emphasis on the transformation of city development to focus on the development of urban and rural development。 The biggest difference between the new urbanization and the traditional urbanization is that the new urbanization is a people-centered urbanization, to achieve urban and rural co-ordination and sustainable development, and ultimately achieve "no difference in human development。""。 In the process of promoting new urbanization, optimizing the allocation of education resources in urban and rural areas, improving the quality of education, and achieving balanced, coordinated and common development of urban and rural education are of great significance。
Key words: urbanization, educational resources, balanced configuration
目 录
1 前言 4
2 新型城镇化进程中教育资源配置的现状 4
2。1 教育经费投入上存在的差距 4
2。2 师资队伍配置上存在的差距 5
2。3 基础设施建设上存在的差距 6
3 新型城镇化教育资源配置不协调的原因 7
3。1 地区间经济发展水平存在的差异 7
3。2 教育经费的投入来源单一 7
3。3 政府政策是教育资源配置不均衡的直接原因 8
3。4 缺乏对教育资源配置正确的社会引导和公开机制 8
4 新型城镇化进程中教育资源配置问题应当采取的措施 9
4。1 缩小地区间的经济差异 9
4。2 合理有效地吸引民资对教育资源的投入 9
4。3 更灵活的制定教育资源配置政策 9
4。4 建立健全社会引导和公开机制 10
4。4。1 建立健全教师定期流动机制 10
4。4。2 建立健全学校统一管理机制 10
4。4。3 建立健全基础设施资源共享机制 10
结论 12
参考文献 13