Abstract:During the late Qing Dynasty, with the emergence and development of modern education, Northern Jiangsu teacher education is able to start. Some normal school and Training Institute of Teacher are set up in Northern Jiangsu. Local official gentry in Northern Jiangsu push the start of modernization of Subei teacher education. The system of normal school is given priority to with elementary normal school and ChuanXiSuo. In the late Qing Dynasty, Northern Jiangsu teacher education provides teachers and talents for the development of Northern Jiangsu, including economic, education and society. It also promotes the progress of modernization of the northern Jiangsu area, at the same time, it makes a solid foundation for the education of Subei which includes Teacher Education after the Republic of China.
Key words: The late Qing Dynasty, Northern Jiangsu, Teacher Education, Modernization
目 录
摘 要 II
前 言 1
一、苏北师范教育发轫的社会背景 3
(一)清末新式教育的起步 3
(二)清末新式教育的勃兴 5
(三)清末师范教育的萌发 6
二、清末苏北师范教育发展概况 8
(一)清末苏北师范教育的发端 8
(二)清末苏北师范教育经费来源与师资 11
1.学堂经费来源 11
2.学堂师资情况 12
(三)清末苏北师范学堂教学 13
三、清末苏北师范教育现代化的思考 15
(一)地方官绅推动了苏北师范教育现代化起步 15
(二)造就了本地教育人才,推动了苏北地方现代化进程 17
1.招收本地生源 17
2.毕业生从事教育事业 19
(三)师范学堂体系以初等师范学堂和传习所为主 21
1.与清廷教育体系设置有关 21
2.与苏北行政地位有关 22
3.与清末义务教育推动需求有关 22
(四)苏北师范教育现代化进程受制于本地域社会的发展 22
1.清末苏北自然地理状况 23
2.清末苏北经济发展情况 23
结 语 25
附 表 26
附表1 清末苏北行政区划表